Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 14, 2015 Tuesday #walk#selfcontrol#thanks#Rise Up Detroit!

Get Fit
Some people like to exercise with someone it keeps them on target.  I usually don't but lately my daughter and friend Don are putting me to shame with their step counters.  So, I walked today - 2 miles, but I have a long way to go to catch up to them.  Good for them!

Get Faith
Proverbs 23 - this is about bad behavior.  And, specifically drinking.  Self control is the issue here.  It covers a lot of things not to do.  Like a note from your father.  Wise information.  Rather than crave those things on earth that we desire - crave righteousness.

On this day
2003 - This was my first day back from Scotland and to work.  I noted in my journal that the boss missed me.  Things were not always great working there and on this day it was nice to realize I was appreciated and missed.  If you work somewhere that is low on thank you start passing some around it may do all of you some good.

2003 - Jerry Springer officially filed papers to run for the U.S. Senate from Ohio. Really?

This week I have young people staying with me that are working the Lutheran Youth Gathering.  Rise Up! They are actually doing the Detroit bus tours.  It is nice to have them in and out and I can use all those parenting phrases - "be careful, do you know where you are going?, will you be back for dinner?  take some fruit of cookies or snack bars with you."  And amazingly, my fur baby - cat boy, is handling it all very well.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     The Holidays were sad that year without Dad.  I can’t remember if we went to someone’s house or stayed home.  I do remember we all tried to make up for the loss with Martin.  He got a lot of toys and a lot of attention, more then he would have received if Dad had been there.  It was as if we could center the happy that none of us felt on that little 3 year old boy whose life would be much different now.  Adam had Dad for 18 years and I had him 13, but poor Martin would probably never remember life with Dad in the house, or Mom home for that matter.  The whole world was changing too.
Motherwell Scotland

Motherwell, Scotland  Go to Motherwell Scotland Place of Interest  this is one of many pictures of Motherwell!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Todd!

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