Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015 Monday #Faithfulness #Ticonderoga#Potty

Get Fit
Pilates with a resistance ring.  Maybe my imagination but it seemed more resistant today.  Oh, too much holiday!  Get back on track today!

Get Faith
Psalm 91 - Faithfulness ""Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him: I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name."  Great is Thy faithfulness - Lord unto me.  He is faithful to us and we should be faithful to him.

On This Day3
1979- here is a memory for my friend Pam.  We sunbathed at her house for a while then we went to the show to see  "Bloodline" and then still looking for excitement - went to Brownies.  We always found plenty to do.  Right Pam?
1777 - British forces captured Fort Ticonderoga during the American Revolution. I just like saying that name. Ticonderoga.

I had a bbq yesterday here.  The usual group of neighbors and friends, about 15 showed up.   Jameson's son Abel came running up to me and in his best 3 year old said a lot of which I only caught pee and poop.  Now I occasionaly sit Abel and know where he is in potty training.  So, I jumped up and said you have to go?  c'mon - he said no  pee and poop.  I said - you already did?  He walked a way.  I looked at his dad who said - he just wanted you to know he just went in the potty.  Of course I then went and high fived him and said GOOD JOB ABEL!  It's the little things.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     They were putting in the Southfield expressway at that time and I ran that way and then walked down in the ditch up to Seven Mile. 
     How could I go home to a mother that hated me and called me a devil and gave me a bloody nose and black eye?  I decided to go to dad’s work.  He would fix it.  When I got to Seven Mile I turned west and headed to where I thought Dad’s work was.  It was getting colder and after a while darker.  I was hungry.  I sat down on the cement step in front of a store that blocked the cold wind blowing now.  It even started to rain.
Motherwell Scotland
The 1980s brought a catastrophic collapse in the industry of Motherwell. The steel strike of 1980 lost British Steel important contracts and markets, followed by the closure of important local customers such as the Linwood car factory and Bathgate truck factory, Ravenscraig employed only 3200 people by the end of the 1980s.[4] Ravenscraig closed on 24 June 1992, and was demolished in July 1996, bringing 400 years of Scottish iron production to an end. Today the Dalzell Plate Mill is all that remains of Motherwell’s industrial heritage, rolling steel from Middlesbrough into steel plates of various sizes.
By the start of the 21st Century Motherwell had begun to transform itself with the service industry thriving, the large scale unemployment of the previous twenty years had been largely remedied.  Good Scots!  They reinvented themselves.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Fiona in Glasgow!

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