Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23, 2015 Thursday #vacay#Spirit#shopping#

Get Fit
Did a few circuits with Jillian this morning.  I keep telling myself I will get further, but I honestly may be at my limit with this.  I will keep trying.  Going on a nice little trip with a couple of my besties this weekend - probably get some walking and maybe swimming in.

Get Faith
2 Timothy chapter 1 - A letter from Paul to his son Timothy.  "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."  I have heard this "oh, you are one of those religious types"  I used to find myself explaining or worse yet, apologizing.  I now just smile, nod and say "yes".  Faith lives in you by the grace of the Holy Spirit - whether you acknowledge it or not.  Don't be timid, stand up for your faith, we Christians need to stand strong together, the world is in a tough place.

On this day
2014 - Last year at this time I was up at Andy and Alice's for a week.  Alice and I went into Roscommon, which doesn't have a lot of stores, but a resale store there is worth the visit.  Because they are the only store like that in town - they get the motherload of hand me downs.  Great stuff, go see!  I'm hoping New Buffalo, where I am going this weekend will have some neat little places to see.

1886 - Steve Brodie, a New York saloonkeeper, claimed to have made a daredevil plunge from the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River. Why is this in the memorable important history?  Do you think he did? 

I hate leaving this cat, he is like a two year old with a bad case of separation anxiety.  I have a couple young girls coming to stay with him - I can only hope that he behaves himself.  In the middle of the night that blasted feral cat comes up to the window and it and Nola scream at the top of their kitty voices.  That will add some years to those poor girls.  I have left instructions.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     Calendar Girl by Neil Sedaka
       We did spend a lot of time hanging out.  On street corners, at hamburger joints, on someone’s front porch – we were always out.  We wanted to be in each other’s company and we wanted to be older.  Old enough to be on our own, to have a car, go a lot of places and see a lot of people like ourselves.  We were starved for social activities and no one ever told me what the result of that hanging out was doing to me.  At fourteen I sure had the wanderlust.
Motherwell Scotland cuisine
Coffee Shop, Delicatessen, Bistro, Soups

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5 of 5 stars
Great Atmosphere
Awesome food, friendly staff and a great calm atmosphere when you want to chill out have a nice meal
This place gets great reviews!  Lets have lunch there - you can see their menu on line.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy birthday to Scott and Jason! 


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