Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015 Friday #Stretch #Lions#Faithfulness #heritage

Get Fit
I did some Simply Stretch with Karen this morning. It feels so good to stretch!

Get Faith
Daniel chapter 6 - Daniel in the lions den.  Others were jealous of Daniel and so they plotted against him to have him dishonored and murdered.  Their mistake was in dishonoring Daniel's God.  Daniel continued to pray - even upon threat of death.  Faithfulness.  And again, God showed his faithfulness in sparing Daniel's life. 

On this day
1992 - Took Nicole and Denise to the city pool.  It was very hot and muggy and even after being in the pool all day - we were exhausted with the heat.  I ordered pizza for dinner.  We waited and waited and it never came. That never happened to me before or since.  By the time I decided to call I had lost my desire for pizza.  We have not had any of those HOT days this summer. Still waiting.

1913 - The highest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was 134 degrees in Death Valley, CA. It wasn't that hot here!

My poor baby cat is hiding in the closet, terrified.  There are men on the roof banging and stomping while they reroof my house.  Fur baby.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Life changed in general, my attitude was getting worse, but it was just the teenage years setting in.
     The eighth grade is a game changer.  You are the top dogs in elementary school and starting to define who you are, or think you are.  School was much different in those days; discipline wasn’t a problem for the teachers.  So as I was deciding to be tough, hanging out with the “bad guys” at the little grocery store Claytons on the corner, the teachers were keeping an eye on my “bad attitude”. 
Motherwell Scotland

Places of interest

There are many places of interest that have made Motherwell a place to visit. As well as the town's Country Park, The North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre, formerly the Motherwell Heritage Centre on High Road, situated next to the town's railway station, is a building that displays the history of Motherwell from the Roman era. The building also has a viewing tower on the fifth floor, giving visitors a good view of the town and other parts of Lanarkshire, as well as of mountains as far back as Ben Lomond.
Motherwell also has a Civic Centre, situated next to the town's police station and North Lanarkshire headquarters building. A number of pantomimes and musicals have taken place in the centre's large concert hall. As well as this, the Masters Snooker has also been an event held at the Civic Centre. Renovations have been completed, and the building has now re-opened for business.
The Dalzell House is a building that is situated to the South of the town, right on the banks of the River Clyde. This house is protected as a Category-A listed building.
One of the main attractions in Motherwell is the M&D's Amusement Park, which is situated next to Strathclyde Loch in Strathclyde Park. It is now recognised as Scotland's Theme Park.  Let's Go!

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday! Dennis!

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