Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3, 2015 Friday #warmup #goodness #celebratefood #adopt

Get Fit
Warm ups are so important to oxygenate your muscles and stretch them so that you can avoid an injury.  I like the warm ups more than the exercises, actually.  Stretching, like an animal when it first gets up is therapeutic!

Get Faith
John Chapter 6 covers Jesus feed the five thousand, Jesus Walks on the water, Jesus the Bread of Life and many disciples desert Jesus.  I got caught on Jesus saying to Phillip "When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do." Jesus's goodness showed us his compassion for his people and taught them to trust in him to find answers to their daily problems - you can too.

On this day
1975 - Pete and I went to the marina with Pat and Pam.  We took steaks and champagne to celebrate the upcoming vacation and holiday plans.  How do you celebrate the 4th of July?

1954 - Food rationing ended in Great Britain almost nine years after the end of World War II. Something to both thank God for and celebrate!

We were over at friends for dinner last night at Norm and Heidi's.  They have a son Luke, that they adopted from Russia.  He is a beautiful, well loved and nicely behaved boy (but not too behaved) that has completed their love and their home.  I know two couples that are starving for babies - they should feed that need and consider this option!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     Years before that mom had started taking out her anger on me after a spat with dad.  One weekend he had gone up to Canada fishing and had gotten home really late.  That evening she came into my bedroom screaming at me, calling me a devil and waving her hands in the air.  I answered back at her and she punched me in the face.  I cried myself to sleep.
Motherwell Scotland


The main Roman road through central Scotland ran along Motherwell’s side of the River Clyde, crossing the South Calder Water on the north west side of today’s town. At this crossing a fort and bath house were erected, but the Roman presence in Scotland did not last much later than this. There were definitely people living in the area from an early point. The name comes from an ancient religious well, the Mother's Well, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The site of this well is now marked by a plaque on Ladywell Road.[4] The name "Moderwelt" appears on a map of Lanarkshire made by Timothy Pont some time between 1583 and 1611 and printed in the Netherlands in around 1652.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kathy!

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