Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 30, 2015 Thursday #sticktoit#hope#SSI#justsayno!

Get Fit
Who doesn't like a dancers legs?  I downloaded a sheet of these from the internet and added to my regular routine.  As you know I am into a variety.  After working out for 20 years - I need to try many things, it works for me.  Find out what works for you and stick to it.

Get Faith
Nehemiah chapter 4- This is about the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem.  It was a huge job and the opposition was strong, but their faith in God kept their hope alive and under Nehemiah leadership they did finish the wall.  Hope and faith - two things Christians are famous for.  How's yours?

On this day:
2007-  I don't like to brood on this subject but occasionally I like to revisit so I don't make that mistake again.  My boss had gone out of town and left his son in charge.  I was accustomed to the boss accusing me of stealing from his "cash" envelope and on this day his son did the same.  If you know me, you know, I don't steal - not even a postage stamp.  If you are the type of person who does steal and makes reason for it then you believe that everyone steals.  What a terrible way to go through life, worrying about people, who you should trust, stealing from you.

1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.  Thanks to President Johnson for this, it was never more important to me than this year.

I watched across the street yesterday as my one neighbors 38 year old daughter talked to my elderly 89 year old neighbor who went into the house and then came out and handed something to the girl.  I gave that same girl 20 a couple years ago, knowing where it was going.  My old neighbor (who has Alzheimer's waved and came across to talk.  The girls mother came running out the door and sadly asked Al if she had given her daughter money.  Al said she didn't remember.  This girl has been an addict since she was 17 (confirmed by her mom).  Her mom lives on a thread and can't afford to give the girl a dime (rightfully so) she was so sorry that Al had given her some.  I told the mom - it made Al feel good and she didn't have any knowledge of where the money was going - so not to worry.  You can't help the situation, only the person using can help themselves - so sad for mom.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties 
     April 17 - About 1,400 U.S.-supported Cuban exiles invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. It was an unsuccessful attack
     But life went on at home.  Adam was working a couple of jobs and playing in a band at night or practicing in the basement with his friends.  We went to church every Sunday because I was still taking catechism classes on Saturday morning.  All those regular/normal activities made it seem like home was still home and family was still important.  We visited cousins and Aunts and Uncles, but at those times I missed Dad.  Mom was trying her best to keep us together, but I had other interests.
Motherwell Scotland

64 fixed penalties issued during Orange march in Motherwell

Tuesday Jul 21 Read more: Evening Times
More than 20,000 Orangemen and their supporters made their way through the streets of the town as part of the Boyne celebration procession. Last month the Order's Cultural and Heritage Day, dubbed "Orangefest", was held in George Square, despite major opposition voiced online.
Start the conversation, or Read more at Evening Times.  Interesting current news.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

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