Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015 Sunday #goodness #miracles #familyhistory

Get Fit
exercising my right to friendship today.

Get Faith
Malachi chapter 3  The last book of the Old Testament.  This is clearly prophesying the coming of our Lord Christ Jesus.  "I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me."  And under the heading Breaking Covenant by Withholding Tithes - "In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse - your whole nation - because you are robbing me." And Israel speaks Arrogantly Against God.
"You have said, it is futile to serve God."  And then The Faithful Remnant - "And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not."  80% of people in the United States claim to be Christian and only 40% of those attend church in worship.  It seems the writing is on the wall.

On  This Day
1978 - I flew down to Indianapolis and stayed a few days with my friend Nan and her husband Frank.  We layed around the pool all day and when Frank came home from work he took us to dinner.  Nan and I drove back to Detroit - I guess that is why I flew down, so I could drive back with her.  She had family here to visit.

1946 - The bikini bathing suit, created by Louis Reard, made its debut during a fashion show at the Molitor Pool in Paris. Micheline Bernardini wore the two-piece outfit. Not me but you could wear yours today at the pool!

My fur baby, Nola the cat was leisurely strolling around our yard and gardens this morning when an interloper appeared.  I heard the caterwauling and ran out the door, didn't know I could still move that fast.  There was a mixed tornado of grey stripes and white and black fur rolling around on the lawn.  I'm sure my neighbors are awake now.  I yelled "GO HOME BAD KITTY!" and NOLA HOUSE! and miraculously it was so. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     “Oh Adam and I were fooling around and I hit the corner of the table.”  I said, avoiding looking at her.
     “Let me put some ice in a bag for you, it’s pretty swollen” she said sympathetically.
     “Thanks Mrs. Johnson, I’ll just go back home and have my mom look at it, she was busy with Martin when I left and didn’t see it” as I scooted out the door putting my jacket on.
Motherwell Scotland
By the end of the 19th century the Motherwell town hall and Dalziel High School had been built, the local football club had been founded, and its stadium, Fir Park, had been constructed.
At the start of the 20th century Motherwell stood a large and growing industrial centre, a town of 37,000 people and a wide variety of heavy industries such as munitions, trams and bridge components. By the 1930s most of Scotland’s steel production was in Motherwell, and owned by the Colville family. In 1959 the Colville family were persuaded by the government to begin work of a vast new steel works, which would become Ravenscraig. Within a few years, Ravenscraig was producing more than a million tonnes of steel per year. Following nationalisation of the steel industry, production at the plant was raised, with the Motherwell blast furnaces producing 3 million tonnes each year.[4]
By the middle of the 1970s, Motherwell’s steel industry employed more than 13,000 people.
Because my dear Grandmother lived there then, this is extremely interesting to me.  She was a scone maker and my grandfather who lived in Glasgow was a pipe fitter.
Enjoy the Day!  Happy Birthday to Aaron Pode!

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