Friday, July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015 Friday #Love#vaycay#friends

Get Fit
Went for a nice walk with Norma today here at Grand Beach.  The place she rented for our 4 day celebration of her birthday is 100' from the beach on Lake Michigan.  The houses in this range from rentable cottages to manors right on the lake that are beautiful.

Get Faith
Luke chapter 10 - Love your God with all heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  This chapter covers the Good Samaritan and Martha and Mary making decisions regarding the good  choices you should make about being faithful.  The instructions about sharing your faith with others and the behavior you should assume.  Who is your neighbor and what should you say to them?  Good info here.  Share the Love.

On this day
2009 - on this day - cousin Kathy and I went out to see cousin Donna and her husband Fred.  They have a beautiful home with a breathtaking backyard, surrounded by blue spruce with gardens in front and lots of bird feeders.  It was a favorite thing for them to sit out on the patio and watch the birds, squirrels and whatever else showed up to eat.  While we were sitting out there, Donna complained that she never got to see the hummingbirds, that Fred always saw them, but she always just missed them.  We all laughed because all the time she was talking there was a hummingbird right behind her head, hovering there.  Fred, (such a great guy) passed on not too long after that.  So glad we have that memory of him. (reprint from 2013)

Family can be anyone you feel you can trust, love to spend time with and have chosen to travel through life with, like the friends I am sharing this weekend with.

This is an abreviated blog, due to my friends interruptions.  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!   

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