Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 19, 2015 Sunday #swim #Abling #bloomers#emptynest#Riseup

Get Fit
Swimming today at my niece's pool.  I wish I would swim more often.  Swimming is a great non-taxing form of exercise on your bones and joints.  It gives you cardio and muscle exercise without the stress on your skeleton.  Give your skeleton a break today and go swimming!!!

Get Faith
I got a lot of faith the last few days.  I was downtown Detroit again, helping in the Cobo Center at the "Abling Games"  Not to be confused with disabled.  I was working a thing called tinkletown.  It was designed to show people how hard it can be for a person in a wheelchair to maneuver.  It started with a steep ramp, lots of wooden block to get over, sand and stone areas, tight corners and doors that don't open the right way or easily.  It finished with a steep ramp that sent them flying out of the maze. It was an eye opener for the kids that waited an hour and a half to experience it.  This is an extension of the Gospel of Mark story - where friends helped their friend to be healed by lowering him through the roof to Jesus.  You can make sure that people in wheelchairs have opportunities to reach places they need to be -- like the bathroom.  Handicap Accessible! Jesus is - Good News.

On this day
2010 - I was filling in for youth director (again) for the summer.  Kirsten and I were there trying to get it together for Bass Lake which was coming right up.  Pastor Schmidt's son Pastor Tim was staying at our church while they did service projects in the City of Detroit.  It is a great place to find service projects, even after this weekend I hope the momentum keeps up.  If you have a group that is looking for a way to share or help - Detroit has a lot of places to start.  You could contact Life
Builders to get going.
1848 - The Women's Rights Convention took place in Seneca Fall, NY. Bloomers were introduced at the convention.  Glad that didn't last.

All my house guests have left me.  sniff.  It was great having their energy and enthusiasm here for a week.  The morning activity of showering, eating breakfast and sharing where they would all be for the day is over.  Bless their hearts, they left me a gift - a tee shirt that says Lutheran Chic on it.  I will miss them.  God Bless their work, travel and friendships made in the name of Christ this week.  Jesus is Good News!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     We had learned to dance in grade school gym class.  The gym teacher was a man of questionable ethics, but he taught us to Fox Trot, Waltz, Polka and Square Dancing.  All the girls would be sitting on the floor on one side of the line and the boys would be on the other.  Mr. Walters would announce that the boys would now pick a partner to dance with.  That was painful.  I was tall for my age and the guys all liked the cute petite girls.  If you didn’t get picked, Mr. Walters would assign you to someone.  I don’t remember those days, but I do remember the days that were the girls turn to choose.  There was one, exceptionally “cute” boy in our class that the girls would fight over to have for a dance partner.  His name was Johnny Smith and he came from the Catholic School that didn’t have 7th and 8th grade.  He was an immediate hit with the girls.  I don’t think I ever got to dance with him you had to be super aggressive to get there and push off everyone else.  In class we never danced as close as we did in Robert’s basement.
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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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