Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 25, 2015 #Normasbirthday

Get Fit
Walked with Norma and Pam this morning, with Norma telling everyone we met it was her birthday, even the Momma deer with her two babies and another small deer that walked with us a ways.

Get Faith
John 17   This is where Jesus prays for His Glory in God and for his disciples that they would be with God in His glory forever.  He also prays for those of us that are in His name because we beleive in Him, that we know - for thine is the kingdom and the glory, forever and ever amen.

On this day
It has always been Norma's birthday and for the last 40 years we have celebrated it.  This is the best year, she rented this nice house near the beach and we visited 4 wineries yesterday.  More today.  Nicole is coming down to help.

If I were better on this laptop I could do the rest of my blog - but I can't.  I'll be back Monday.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

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