Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13, 2015 Monday #Rise up#Peace

Get Fit
did a little kick boxing today to start.  Everyone needs to find their own best time - mine is first thing in the AM.  I have been trying to get a walk in later but  I always seem too busy.  Try harder I tell myself.

Get Faith - This week 30,000 will descend on Detroit for the Lutheran Youth National Gathering to worship at Ford Field and help Detroit to RISE UP!!
Proverbs 3 "Do not say to your neighbor, Come back tomorrow and I'll give it to you" when you already have it with you."  Start today!  Love your neighbor.

On this day;
1997  - After church I took Nicole over to her friend from softball - Lindsey's to spend the day.  They had played ball together for a few years.  Some people you just connect with.  Her family were as involved with the game as we were.  Remember her Nicole?  When you meet someone and just seem to hit it off immediately with - never to late to make a new friend.  (But don't give up the old ones.)

1099 - The Crusaders launched their final assault on Muslims in Jerusalem. Will this city, the center of the world's largest religions every see peace?  916 years later we have learned nothing. But the city still stands.

This week my daughter has foster children and shelter families at Stony Lake Camp.  I hope they can find the greater family - God's family, to belong to for their path through life.  Rise Up children.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties -coming to a bookstore near you Soon!

     By 1960, 90% of American homes had televisions and we were all glued to the sets for the politics and the election results.  The civil rights movement was starting in the south and there were 900 US consultants in Vietnam.  The Supreme Court of the United States declares that segregation in public transportation is illegal in the United States.  It seemed a change was on the way.
Motherwell Scotland
 Strathclyde Country Park
4.0 of 5 stars 

Strathclyde Country Park () Looks like fun lets go here today!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Erika!

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