Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 12, 2015 Sunday #Orangemen's day....enjoy.#foraging#beheading#Sam#Rugby

Get Fit
Went hunting for meat.  Picked fruit from the trees and berries from the bushes.  Picked vegetables from the vines and dug up potatoes.  There is a lot of work to gathering supplies and food for the house.  Actually I went to Kroger - but still.

Get Faith
Pastor Jerry was at Christ Iroquois in Indian Village so we went there to hear him preach.  Poor guy had to tell the story of John the Baptist being beheaded.  Not too much Gospel - good news in that story.  I think the good news in that, is that even though Jesus had not been crucified and died and rose from the dead yet. John already knew who Jesus was when he died, even from the moment he was in his mothers womb and jumped for joy when Mary went to Elizabeth, John's mother to visit and tell her of her pregnancy.  John knew Jesus! and his mission was completed.  Prepare the way of the Lord - repent and be saved.

On this day
1995 - I was at work when my bosses wife came in with a cardboard box.  She said "you have to see these".  I tried to get out of the office but couldn't get by her without seeing these cute little furry kitties - maybe 4 or 5 weeks all mewing and hungry.  We had Sam Sneed for 16 years he was a great cat.
1690 - Protestant forces led by William of Orange defeated the Roman Catholic army of James II. Why? when the message we both share, is there STILL that animosity between the Roman Catholics and the protestants!?  How can we tell others of that love that Jesus has for us?

There is that thing when someone says "people coming to stay at your house", you go out and buy way more than a small army could eat.  My neighbor knows that and smiled when she saw me carrying it all in.  She has teenage boys, it will never go to waste.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

      November 8 – United States presidential election, In a close race, Democratic U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy is elected over Republican U. S. Vice President Richard Nixon, to become (at 43) the second youngest man to serve as President of the United States, and the youngest man elected to this position. 
Motherwell Scotland

Rugby Union

Dalziel Rugby Club play at Dalziel Park (formerly Cleland Estate) between the villages of Carfin and Cleland (both near Motherwell). They recently won promotion to Scottish hydro electric Premier 3 via winning the national league 1 with an undefeated league season. The club has a strong mini and midi section. 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable

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