Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17, 2015 Friday! #friends #friends #brag #friends #friends

Get Fit
I will wait till my house guests go off to their activities at the National Gathering and will get my Pilates in.  The thought of exercising on my back is much more appealing today.

Get Faith
I will share from Mark, the story of the 4 men that lowered their friend down through a hole in the roof to be healed by Jesus.  (This is the story the synod shared at the assembly at the RenCen yesterday, attended by est.700) Jesus announced his sins were forgiven - but what they wanted was his ability to walk healed.  Read Mark 2 and think about what the really important points of this story was.  Where was God in this story?

On this day
2009 - Waynette, Kris, Nicole and I went to dinner and to see the latest Harry Potter movie.  Nicole and I have the entire set and read them asap when they came out.  What great imagination JK Rowling has, a real gift.  Do you have a regular friends group that always HAVE to do certain things together?  It beats "we should have done that and maybe next time".  Get it done, make those dates.
1212 - The Moslems were crushed in the Spanish crusade.Does this answer any questions for you?
Same God people.

Well you know Nicole I have to brag about this!  Yesterday she texted me and said she was speaking at the Southeast Synod mass gathering at the RenCen at 1:00.  It was noon.  I got down there, parked, and found her waiting at the door for me.  So proud to hear her share her faith story to a room of est.700 people - about the camp that has fortified her faith all these years and that she now is running.   THEN I was given a wrist band to attend the National Gathering at the Ford Field last night!  GLORIOUS!!!  Oh I had to endure dinner and endless hours of love and silliness with Christ Lutheran Church.  Thanks to them for sharing! (And I put out a potential damaging fire with my pita bread at dinner - I need a cape).super hero, ha.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     The lights would go down and There’s a Moon Out Tonight by the Capris would come on the radio.  The best slow dance was the instrumental Wonderland by Night, a real slow, one step and rock and rub song.  My hair would be dripping wet from dancing, not because it was a lot of exercise, boys that age really throw the heat.  I don’t even think you could call it dancing, it was just rocking back and forth.
Motherwell Scotland

Marc Smith @ Dance For Gayle, MegaBar, Motherwell, Scotland

Marc Smith @ Dance For Gayle, MegaBar, Motherwell, Scotland - 26-11-10 Please Check Out Marc Smith @ Dance For Gayle, MegaBar,   2:39   4 years ago   
Enjoy the Day Make it Memorable! 

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