Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015 Wednesday #T-stand#water#hot#cold#grandma

Get Fit
Pilates with Denise this morning.  Some things are just beyond what we can do.  My wrists will not support a t stand.  It makes me mad, but I have to go from my elbow to do these.  If you can't go to the extreme, they usually give you an option - do that and keep going.  Exercising means you work to your ability.  Sure you can push yourself a little but don't get discouraged - keep going!

Get Faith
John chapter 3 - 16- For God so loved the world he gave his only son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  Powerful words. If you have not received the Spirit, it is impossible to understand or believe these words.  And then you don't realize how important these words are.  Our faith is a very precious gift.  Believe and be saved.

On this day
2013 - Putting up a pool in the yard is a rite of passage.  From my years of experience I have found that cheap pools leak.  That is the time proven truth.  After setting it up and finally getting the filter to work, the ph balance right and warm enough to get in - you notice that the entire lawn around it is like a huge saturated sponge and mud oozes up between your toes, so you now need a wash basin to get into the pool, which isn't full anymore.  Here is my advice spend the thousands on a real cement pool - or better yet get a city card for the local pool - or better yet go to Lindsey and Scots pool.

1376 - The legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin leading rats out of town is said to have occurred on this date. He told them he was taking them to the pool.

People are still leaving their children in hot cars.  This morning they were telling people the best way to bust in someone's car window to save a child and even went on to say there is a tool at the hardware store to easily bust the glass out - everyone should get one and keep it in their car.  Watch the news and see how fast people quit leaving their kids/pets in hot cars.  The car window places have to love this!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
         I don’t remember ever seeing Robert’s parents.  Maybe they didn’t know there were girls down stairs.  We danced and “made out” and then we girls would walk home 6 or 8 blocks in the dark.  Most of the way was with Carol and Judy, but the last two blocks were alone.  I always ran the rest of the way home.  We would never button up our coats or wear hats and gloves, that wouldn’t be cool, but when I was out of sight of the rest of them, I took off running partly from fear of the dark, but mostly from the cold.  It was never bad enough to keep me home, and Mom never stopped me from going, that I remember.
Motherwell Scotland

Ancestry Genealogy Photographs Motherwell North Lanarkshire Scotland

Tour Scotland wee video of photographs of Motherwell, North Lanarkshire. Of interest to folks with ancestry, genealogy or Scottish Family Roots in Scotland   1:31   1 year ago  This is cool!
I believe our grand mother was born there in 1885 and stayed in Scotland till around 1950.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

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