Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015 Thursday #Fixit#AwesomeGod#Joann's#recap#Peacenotwar#moving!

Get Fit
Had dinner the other night with Pam S. the gal that does the most wonderful massages ever!  She had given me the sheet of stretches and exercises to do a couple years ago.  I had a problem with my left arm range, it wouldn't go back very far.  Now it is no problem.  There are a few traditional moves on there - plank, downward dog, warrior plus some excellent stretch moves.  Get yourself on a program and stick to it!

Get FAith
Psalm 145 v 21 "My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.  Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever."  This psalm speaks of how awesome and gracious and loving our God is, and so in response I will repeat this last line forever and ever.  Think back to all the great things that have happened in the last year - and if you are still here, thank Him for your life for the year coming.  God is great!

On this day
1986  New Years Eve  Mom sat for all the kids and Mark, Andy and Alice and I went to Joann's on Eight mile (the infamous 8 mile)  for dinner and then over to Mike and Kathy's to ring in the New Year.  That was a great restaurant with terrific food.  I don't think it is there anymore, anyone know?

1687 - The first Huguenots set sail from France for the Cape of Good Hope, where they would later create the South African wine industry with the vines they took with them on the voyage. I like a story that includes wine, how about you?

This has been a tumultuous year.  It started out with Mom not being well and going into the hospital, then to rehab, then to a nursing home and finally in May into Beechwood Assisted living where she was very happy.  During this time I was found to have spots on my lungs, which were biopsied and found to not be cancer but to be sure I have had CT scans every 3 months.  They also diagnosed me with COPD.  During this time I was working on my book Come Get THese Memories of the Sixties which was published in August and came out in September.  My Nicole turned 30 in May and Pam, Don and I joined in taking her to Scotland in August to celebrate.  My nieces were extremely hard to catch up with this year as they took up running marathons.  The year ended on a sad note with Mom having a bowel blockage and God in his mercy took her silently to heaven for Christmas.  I spent a lot of wonderful time with family and friends this year and thank God for the new job my Nicole has.  So much life happened, I can't wait for the next one to start.

Book Club  War and Peace.  Going to watch the movie.

Linz Austria to Mykolayv Ukraine
This is a move due East, we could probably take a train and see the country between.  Happy travels.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!   Happy birthday Kathy G.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 30, 2015 Wednesday #pumpup#grace#goodUncle#familytime#GlenandAmy

Get Fit
Interval workout aerobics and weights.  Need to pump up my energy.

Get Faith
Ephesians 2:8  "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -9 not by works, so that no one can boast."  We cannot save ourselves from earthly sin, but your Father in heaven loves you so much and wants you with Him when your time comes.

On this day
1984  My Uncle Hank had built a new 3 bedroom brick ranch in the area and wanted me to come and see it.  I know he really wanted me to buy the house but I felt I couldn't afford it.  I wish now that I had listened to him, it would have been a great home for me, my husband and the baby I was pregnant with.

1887 - A petition to Queen Victoria with over one million names of women appealing for public houses to be closed on Sundays was handed to the home secretary. This appears to me to be a plea for men to be home with their family on Sunday instead of the bar- I guess it takes a law.

My family has often tried to steer me in the right direction but I am such a stubborn nutcase, I always do what I want, and its not always the best decision.  My uncle, who was also my Godfather tried to help me out quite often.  He did do a lot and I hope he knows how much I appreciated it. Rip Uncle Hank you deserve it.

Linz Austria  last days

Photo of Mariendom LinzAtmoMerspheric neo-Gothic Catherdral
On a dark December afternoon this impressive Cathedral was barely lit inside and was thus very atmospheric. Unlike many cathedrals in Europe this one is free to vist.  Lets go here today!   

Mariendom Linz

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Anniversary to Glen and Amy!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015 Tuesday #lowcalorie#God'shouse#snowedin#Woundedknee#canyouhearme?

Get Fit
Low-Calorie Drinks & Weight Loss [INFOGRAPHIC]  Check this out.

Get Faith
John 14:1-6  "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God, believe aso in me, My Father's house has many rooms, if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."  These are such comforting words after losing my Mom recently.  I thank God for my faith.

On this Day
1983 - We had gone up to Gaylord to spend Christmas with Mom and my brother Mark.  The day before we were snowed in, but a friend came and plowed out the road and driveway to Mom's house so we were able to hook up the snowmobile and get out of the drive.  Mom's husband Bob had just died tragically in a tractor accident on the the 1rst of December, so it was hard to leave Mom up there and come home.

1890 - The U.S. Seventh Cavalry massacred over 400 men, women and children at Wounded Knee Creek, SD. This was the last major conflict between Indians and U.S.troops. This was tragic!  Have you read the book?  This is the result of white men responding to the fear of another race of people they felt threatened by.

People respond differently to loss of a family member.  I was so mad at Bob for not being safer on his tractor.  I went out into the woods and yelled at him after his death.  He wasn't a faithful man, never went to church, but he was a good man.  I'm not sure where he is now, but I know he was in the woods behind that house in Gaylord that day, listening to me.  

Linz Austria  last couple of days here before we move on.
Linz, Austrian dress DirndlHow about a new dress before we leave!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia!

Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28, 2015 Monday #absvscookies#peace#peace#peace#playinsteadofkill

Get Fit
Worked out the abs with Denise this morning.  I only put on 3 pounds so far but we aren't done yet right?

Get Faith
Matthew 2:13-18 This is the story of slaughter of the Holy Innocents.  Those were the babies that Herod put to death hoping to destroy the Christ child.  How frightened he must have been to do such a horrific thing.  Those babies were collateral damage in a war on Peace.  God's peace.  It seems so much worse when it is babies. Mothers still cry over their grown children killed in wars, killed by the modern day Herods.  Let their be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

On this day
1982 - I quite often stopped at Eastland on my way home to pick up something I needed.  It was a great shopping center with an easily located Hallmark store and a nice place to stroll and window shop.  On this day I picked up a quick birthday card.

1982 - Nevell Johnson Jr. was mortally wounded by a police officer in a Miami video arcade. The event set off three days of race related disturbances that left another man dead. Think this is something new?  No, it continues.  Again - Let there be peace on earth.

I'm sorry for the mother of the 18 year old boy who was killed in gunfire at Eastland Mall yesterday.  I am also sorry for his 6 month old daughter that will never know her father.  This was not a police killing, it was a disagreement between young people.  Again - Let it begin with me.

Linz Austria - just a few more days here

Found a game place called Master of Escape.  You play in teams and looks like fun!  Go to Linz Austria things to do to see it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Brandon!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 27, 2015 Sunday #soulandspirit#Atlasshrugged#opinions#Postlingbergkirche

Get Faith
John 3:6  "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit."  This is for my friend Don, as we just had this conversation last night.  Does your soul stay with you or does it go to God when you die?  I'm reminded of the childhood prayer I still say every night.  Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.  Take care of your soul and your spirit while you still have them.  Feed them and nourish them well.

On this day
1978 - My friend Tatjiana, Pete's mom, gave me a book to read.  It is a long read.  It taught me that the true spirit of man is his honesty and integrity to himself and others.  It taught me that you can't make someone something they are not.  It taught me that people don't benefit from having more given to them and done for them.  It taught me that when you cut back on expectations you will always get less.  The book is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.  It is my all time favorite book well, beside the Bible.

1978 - Spain adopted a new constitution and became a democracy after 40 years of dictatorship. Be careful America what you wish for and vote for.

When I tell younger people that this is my favorite book their response tells me they have gotten their opinion from someone else and have not read the book themselves.  Apparently the liberals don't like the book.  I can't imagine why supporting someone in doing their best can ever be replaced by allowing someone to just scrape by because they are too lazy to do their best.  Don't judge unless you have actually read the book, not someone else's opinion, or then you must agree with all their opinions and forget your own.  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria  

Alter DomPostlingbergkirche Wallfahrtsbasilika Sieben Schmerzen Maria

Really nice place! 
The church is impressive! You must go there! ! If you are at linz you can take the train from the main square and in 10 mins you are there!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Patrick and Chuck!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 26, 2015 Saturday #newworkout#change#friends#livelonger#read#work!

Get Fit
Did you get some new exercise equipment for Christmas or maybe a membership to a gym.  If not, treat yourself to something!  Keep moving, get a head start on that New Year resolution!

Acts 7:54-60 The stoning of Stephen.  This is kind of a dire story for the day after Christmas, but because the Messiah was born many peoples lives changed.  In this reading you see Stephen murdered for his belief in Christ and Saul who was changed by Christ after condoning Stephen's murder.  Keep yourself open to change in your faith, you won't regret it.  Merry Christmas!

On this day
1975 - The day after Christmas, but we were young and still ready to go.  We visited with a lot of friends - a lot that are gone already.  Charlie and Vicky went way too early.  But Ty, Pat and Pam are still good friends that I still keep in touch with.  Do you have friends that you haven't talked to in a while?  This might be a good time to reconnect -- before the year ends.

1620 - The Pilgrim Fathers landed at New Plymouth, MA, to found Plymouth Colony, with John Carver as Governor. This seems like an easy election.

I know most of you do not keep a journal and it is only in random memory that an old friend comes to mind.  I have maintained a lot of close friendships, because I remember through my journals, their birthdays, events and occasions that we have shared.  I gather friends because they enrich my life, keep me centered, reinforce my honest opinion of myself and always give me something to look forward to, like being with them again.  Friendships are important in life, people with a healthy social lives are known to be healthier and happier and live longer.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
I am determined to finish.  Today will be a reading day.  As above reading is a healthy habit to adopt, but find something that will engage you and make you finish it.  

Lina Austria

Business in Linz

Today Linz is Austria’s second largest business and economic area with over 6,200 businesses and 205,000 jobs. The city is in a unique position to boast more jobs than city inhabitants. Jobs mean tax income for local communities and the cities. And the local tax statistics are a strong economic indicator to determine the strength of an economic location. This is approximately 56 per cent or 223 € (!) more than the average per capita tax revenues of other comparable Austrian cities. Linz also has the consistently lowest unemployment rate of all the capitals of the Federal Provinces.
The focal point of economic policies in the near future is support for creative businesses.  At this time, three new creative entrepreneurial centers have been designed and created not only to significantly contribute and strengthen creative businesses, but also add value and create new jobs  Looking to relocate?
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

Thursday, December 24, 2015

December 24, 2015 THursday #giftsandfood#reasonforthe season#careful!#enjoy!

Get Fit
Did some stretching today, getting ready for the heavy lifting and feeding that starts today.

Get Faith
Luke 2:1-20  This is the story of Christ's birth that you hear read on Christmas Eve and on the Charley Brown Christmas special.  The recounting that all Christians hold dear from the time they start reciting it in Sunday School plays from a young age.  "In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree...."  Read it for yourself today or tonight.  Remember the true meaning of Christmas.

On this day
1974  Hectic Christmas Eve - I left my work Christmas party, went to my mom's for dinner and opened gifts, then over to Pete's mom and dad's to open gifts and eat again - fondue, and then to his grandparents - Xana and Kostere to open gifts and drink vodka.  Oh to be young again.  And to be able to eat that much.  And to drink that much and not worry about driving.  Times have changed, some for the better.  Be careful how much you drink and drive this holiday.  Be alive for the next one.

1948 - For the first time ever, a midnight Mass was broadcast on television. It was held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. They didn't have to contend with A Christmas Carol or the Christmas Story, Home Alone, Miracle on 34th st.   etc.  

On Christmas Eve I like to be home now with people I love around me.  I like a nice dinner, this year a standing rib roast and quiet drinks around the table and pleasant conversation.  Unless, the kids come over after drinking and the neighbors bring the kids and dog and opening presents makes a mess in the living room - then I like that.  Enjoy your evening however it happens and thank God for those around you.  Mom will be watching.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Ok, I can read this weekend.

Linz Austria Christmas
Austria is a fascinating country to visit at any time of the year. But the weeks from late November to the end of the year hold a special meaning and let you become familiar with some of the most beautiful aspects of the country: deeply-rooted folk traditions come alive in colorful, romantic events.

Advent, the period of preparation for the festival honoring the birth of Christ, begins on a Sunday four weeks before Christmas Eve. This is the day when in living rooms all over the country advent wreaths, woven from evergreen twigs and decorated with ribbons and four candles, are hung or prominently placed. On each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, one more candle on the wreath is lit at dinnertime, many families pray, read Christmas stories or sing carols together.

Weihnachtsbaeckerei (Christmas cookies)

 4 ½ cups flour
1 ½ cups sugar
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup milk
1 egg yolk
5 eggs
3 tsp. baking powder
1 ½ tsp. vanilla
1 ½ cups butter
Sift flour, baking powder, and salt onto a board. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, vanilla, and milk to butter and sugar. Mix lightly. Pour the moist ingredients into a depression in the flour and work ingredients into a dough with a knife. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Roll out and cut into desired shapes with cookie cutter. Place on a greased baking sheet and brush with egg yolk.
Bake in a moderate oven, at 300-350, until golden brown.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Pastor Julie!  

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December 23, 2015 Wednesday #Enjoy!#family#steakpie#enjoyfamilyandfriends

Get Fit
Pilates Ring workout.  I'm tightening up the abs today to remind myself how hard fat is to tighten up later.  Here comes the Holidays!

Get Faith
Hebrews 12:1-11  "Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family.  So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters."  We are family in Christ so enjoy your brothers birthday on Christmas and know that you are welcome!  Happy Birthday Jesus.

On this day
1967  This memory is just for myself.  My husband Don's mom made a steak pie, usually Christmas Eve, but this year on the 23rd.  The family spent all year endearing themselves to her to get a seat at her table for the steak pie.  It was amazing!  She had a small kitchen, no dining room, so only 6 with the most 8 could get around the table.  This was my first time and I will never forget.  What do you serve at Christmas?

1783 - George Washington returned home to Mount Vernon, after the disbanding of his army following the Revolutionary War. The other day I mentioned the army had settled in tents in the cold in 1777, so six years later they get home in time for Christmas.  God Bless our armed forces!

As our families and friends families grow it gets harder to get everyone together "as usual".  Most people find their regular routines change, with some missing and others added.  Try not to be too disappointed if dinner isn't where or when you want it to be - just enjoy the moments with those you love.  

Linz Austria religion


Freedom of religion is a statutorily guaranteed right in Austria, the legal foundation – starting with the Patents of Tolerance of 1781/82 – having been created over a period of about two centuries. Of great importance for the individual is the constitutional guarantee of freedom of conscience and creed laid down in Article 14 of the Basic Law on the General Rights of Nationals of 1867. This Article, in combination with the Law Regarding Inter-confessional Relation-ships of 1868, guarantees every resident in Austria the right to join any church or religious community by free choice, to leave such church or religious community at his/her own personal discretion or, finally, to abstain from belonging to any of them. Article 63 paragraph 2 of the State Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye of 1919 as well as Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights of 1950 further enhanced and specified the basic right of religious freedom. 
hauptplatz in linz

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Scott!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015 Tuesday #Happyfirstdayofwinterinnorthernhemisphere.

Get Fit
Did a weight workout today so I can carry all the presents I bought. On the other side my purse is a lot lighter!

Get Faith
Luke 2:8-20  On the holy night that Christ was born the angels descended to earth and told the shepherds that the Messiah was born.  Messengers of good news. news that would bring great joy to all the people.  The good news is still coming to you told by scores of Sunday School children in shepherds costumes.  The shepherds spread the news of the baby and praised God -"Glory to God in the highest on and earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."  Read the whole story and let his favor fall on you.

On this day
2010 - I left work early and came home to take my neighbors to the airport to go to Florida.  Debbie and Chris were going to see the other son Joey that lived down there.  He paid their tickets and told them, "ask Nancy to take you to the airport".  I practically raised Joey, he was over at my house in diapers, before I had kids.  Do something nice today for someone who needs something nice done for them.  Merry Christmas

1895 - German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen made the first X-ray, of his wife's hand. I wonder how many he made?

I'm so excited Nicole asked me to go with her and Craig to see Starwars today!  You do something fun, even if it cuts into the holiday work.

Book Club War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria 

A street in the Altstadt.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris and Ron

Monday, December 21, 2015

December 22, 2015 Monday #goodhealth!#believe#havefun#Pilgrims#Mom#memorial

Get Fit
It is easy to get off your regular routine in the holidays, but try and stick to exercise as much as you can.  It will counteract all those calories from the cookies and all the other treats and it will also give you the needed energy to accomplish all the extra work and running around, including parties!  This is also when we hug and kiss an extra 100 people and come in contact with every known bug going around.  Take care of yourself - wash your hands, take your vitamins and drink lots of water, oh, and get some sleep!

Get Faith
John 20:24-29  "because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." This is St Thomas's day and those words were spoken to him from Jesus.  We are blessed with the Holy Spirit that gives us our faith to believe without having seen.  The Spirit enters us at baptism and keeps our faith alive.  Thanks be to God the Holy Spirit.

On this day
2009  Getting close to the holidays and I'm always frantic, tying up lose ends.  In this year my friend Don was in the hospital, not a good place to be for the holidays, but he did get out in time and is better off for it.  Nicole took the Cornell kids snowboarding, so I guess we had snow. I of course was shopping, kind of better than being in the hospital but not as good as snowboarding.  Which category do you fall into today?  Snowboarding I hope!

1620 - The "Mayflower", and its passengers, pilgrims from England, landed at Plymouth Rock, MA  Wow 395 years ago, just before Christmas, probably horrible weather and no warm cozy houses to move into.  They had their faith, that's why they made the voyage.

It has been a week since my Mom's funeral.  I think of her a lot.  I am not sad that she is gone because the alternative to her staying wasn't good.  I just miss her terribly. I visited her almost everyday at the assisted living place and she always went to the front door in her wheelchair and waved with both hands a big smile when I left.  I see that.

Book Club War and Peace Tolstoy
not this week.

Linz Austria sightseeing

Photo of Mauthausen Memorial

Mauthausen memorial.  Look it up.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christy

Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20, 2015 Sunday #Advent#shopping#travel#party#music!

Get Faith
Romans 8:31-39   "If God is for us, who can be against us?"  On this 4th Sunday of Advent, as we wait for the celebration of our Saviors birth, we are reminded that God IS for us and sent his son to die for our sins.  His son's life and death remind us that God so loved the world.

On this day
2008  The day before we had 12" of snow, but I must have got us shoveled out because on this day Mom and I and our neighbor Al who was 83 at the time went to breakfast and then to the mall shopping.  I can't remember what car I had at the time, but it must have been ok in the snow.  Is your shopping all done?

1803 - The United States Senate ratified a treaty that included the Louisiana Territories from France for $15 million. The transfer was completed with formal ceremonies in New Orleans.  Glad for this I love New Orleans!

My traveler friends gathered last night for our Christmas party - Austria style.  At a Christmas party in 2008 I was telling this group about how I traveled on the internet to different countries and so was born our "travel" group.  So after 7 years there are five regular couples and a few extra people that join us occasionally.  We have grown close and share a wonderful relationship.  Find a regular monthly reason - cards, dinner, movie etc to get together.  Friends are good for the heart and soul.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
One of my friends daughters is reading Anna Karina and intends to read War and Peace next.  
I'll have to think about that.

Linz Austria  


Acoustics that send even well-traveled world stars into rapture have become a trademark of the Brucknerhaus since its inauguration in 1974. Cultivating classical music, contemporary art, jazz, rock and pop concerts, musicals, opera and operetta: all of this is part of the normal course of the vibrant, high-quality concert life in Linz.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Saturday, December 19, 2015

December 19, 2015 Saturday #Igotlegs#don'tworry#Ilovetotellthestoy#Americathebeautiful#wearefamily#Yadusisteineschnitzel!

Get Fit
Did the dancers legs workout.  I try to do a variety of workouts through the week so I can  be sore all over.

Get Faith
Luke 12:22-34  Do not worry.  This tells us not to worry about what we are going to wear or what we will eat.  God will provide.  This comes as I am wondering what to wear to a Christmas party and what food to bring and share.  It comes as I am wondering what gifts I will buy for the people I love.  God knows what is in our hearts, that is the important thing.  He provides through you, sharing what you have with those that don't have,. So as you are shopping, remember to share food for the hungry and gifts to the children and those who have less. God's work; your hands.

On this day
2006 - I went Christmas shopping for my daughter.  She wanted a Lutheran Hymnal of her own.  She played music for Stoney Lake camp and loved the hymns.  No wonder she was able to select the great songs and verses for her Grandmothers funeral service this past week.

1777 - General George Washington led his army of about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, PA, to camp for the winter. We should remember our patriots who did things like, just before Christmas went and camped in tents in freezing weather in service to our country.  

My brother lives 3 hours away and after Mom's funeral this week went back home only to end up in the hospital himself with kidney stones.  With the holidays coming on we have to make sure we do the most important things like taking care of our health.  Do you travel or host at the holidays?  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
I would kill for a day to just read, maybe next week, after the holiday.

Linz Austria - Cuisine

Snack food[edit]

Käsekrainer Sausage with a Kaiser roll and mustard
For food consumed in between meals there are many types of open sandwiches called "belegte Brote", or different kinds of sausage with mustard, ketchup and bread, as well as sliced sausage, Leberkäse rolls or Schnitzelsemmeln (rolls filled with schnitzel).
Open sandwiches in Vienna, with a Pfiff-size beer
Traditionally you can get a Wurstsemmel (a roll filled, usually, with Extrawurst a special kind of thinly sliced sausage, often with a slice of Cheese and a Pickle or Cornichon) at a Butcher or at the delicatessen counter in a supermarket.
There are also other common yet informal delicacies that are typical of Austrian food. For example, the Bosnaor Bosner (a spiced bratwurst in a hot dog roll), which is an integral part of the menu at Austria's typical fast-food joint, the sausage stand (Würstelstand). Most Austrian sausages contain pork.  Yummy!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015 Friday #catPilates#foryou#ski#ruptuered?#whatIdon'tknow#bestlocalspecialities!

Get Fit
As I was doing the open leg rocker I came back up to find my cat sitting between my legs with a toy in front of him.  So, either teach your animals to do Pilates with you or make sure they have something to do while you exercise.  My cat has been getting a lot of exercise lately, but he doesn't like the winter weather so I might have to get him a cat gym.  Oh, he has one.

Get Faith
Roman 5:6  "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."  He is not just available to those who are always in church, always doing his work here on earth, always seen in prayer - He is a God for all of the people, whoever we are.

On this day
2005 - Was a Sunday and Mom and I went to church.  They had the Sunday School program and the cookie walk.  Mom and I always made gingerbread cookies and bought boxes of cookies to take home which we both wanted specific cookies and found out they were all the same favorites when we got home.  Nicole was up at Blue Mountain with her ski and snowboard friends from Albion.

1862 - The first orthopedic hospital was organized in New York City. It was called the Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled. What a horrible name, I would be terrified to be included as a patient there.

Nicole lived the entire year for this event.  She was the organizer as she had been the president of the club at college.  There was a huge group of people that went then, and they had a great time.  The only trouble I remember her mentioning was someone had broke a light fixture in the hallway.  The pictures I saw always made me wonder what she didn't tell me, but I don't want to know.  Do you ski or snow board?

Book Club  War and Peace
Unfortunately too busy to read just now - but I will.

Linz Austria  

Traditional dishes and cuisine from Linz, Mühlviertel and Upper Austria

Linz, Upper Austria and the Mühlviertel has some great traditional local food. The best local specialities are usually available at a so called Landgasthaus, which is a traditional Austrian restaurant in the countryside in a small village in the Mühlviertel  or in the suburbs. of Linz.
Unfortunately most traditional restaurants and probably the best of those Landgasthaus do not offer an English menu. Many names of the most delicious dishes cannot be found in any dictionary or travel guide.
However in most of these traditional restaurants people are friendly and patient and if you may be able to get hold of somebody to explain it to you in English.
Most traditional dishes from Linz or the Mühlviertel are heavy, so called deftige Hausmannskost, so be warned! Key ingredients for main courses include pork, beef, veal, chicken, potatoes, flour, butter, sour cream .  Many dishes may suit everyone, some dishes may primarily be loved by people who grew up with them. Some of these Austrian delicacies you can also find in a "Fleischhauer" or Fleischhauerei, which is a speciality butcher. Almost all butchers in Austria sell also snacks. Some traditional Austrian specialities require many hours of preparation. Therefore several tasty dishes are found less and less on the menu of restaurants.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dan and Dean!  

Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17, 2015 #stayhealthy#Thywillbedone#Christmascards#stayhealthy!lovefromAustria

Get Fit
Only made it through the warm up and one circuit with Jillian's No More Trouble Zones.  I'll do better tomorrow.  If you have a cold or earache it can through off your balance.  So my excuse is I'm off  balance.  Going to the doctor to take care of my health.

Get Faith
Matthew 26:36-45  Gethsemane  vs39 "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will." Sometime we know what is coming and need strength to face it.  Give it to God.  This vs and the same from the Our Father prayer is my go to when I pray - Thy will be done.  

On this day
2004 - I billed twice a month and on this day the boss was sick and didn't get in till lunch.  He hadn't signed the 400 Christmas cards that needed to be sent out - today.  He finally got it done while I finished the billing.  It was always a battle to accomplish those cards.  They had to be a Christmas scene with snow and a farm.  I kept a file with the old cards and verses so I wouldn't duplicate because when I first started this someone told the  boss, "hey this is the same card you sent me 2 years ago."  Really?

2004 - U.S. President George W. Bush signed into law the largest overhaul of U.S. intelligence gathering in 50 years. The bill aimed to tighten borders and aviation security. It also created a federal counterterrorism center and a new intelligence director.  Is it still working? or has it been disassembled?  

When it rains it pours.  My brother is fighting a kidney stone today up north in the hospital.  When illness or death hits a family the other players often start to fall also.  Said the girl with no voice, who is going to get meds.  Keep your health in the best shape you can so when this happens you can recuperate quickly.

Book Club  War and Peace

Linz Austria culture

How would this be?

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16, 2015 Wednesday #Strrrrretch#light#Boodles#extratime#Linz

Get Fit
Stretching is underrated I think.  After sitting or even sleeping all night a stretch wakes up those resting muscles and enervates them.  Take it from animals - get that stretch in!

Get Faith
Psalm 119:105-112  vs 105  "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."  Jesus is the light on my path, when times are dark and sad He brings joy and light.  God is good!

On this day
2003 - The cousins and friends group went out to dinner at Boodles.  Anybody remember this place or where it is?  If the food was good?  Funny how some things you never forget and some are a complete mystery.

1653 - Oliver Cromwell became lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland. Can one man be the all in all to three countries?  I guess Donald Trump might think so.  It might be interesting to read the story behind Oliver Cromwell, I know the name, but not the story.

My life is immensely changed by the loss of my mother this past week.  I wonder when I will stop wondering if she needs anything or what time I will schedule a visit into my day.  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Maybe I will watch the movie, it is a movie, isn't it?

Linz Austria  culture
Stadt Linz

Blick über die Pöstlingbergkirche auf Urfahr und die Donau, Foto: Planung, Technik und Umwelt - Pertlwieser

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Annie!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 15, 2015 Tuesday #Keepfit!#heaven#MomandI#Godnotsimpsons#family#let'sgoforahike!

Get Fit
A lot of running to do today so I'm sure I will get some exercise, but YOU do something to keep fit today!

Get Faith
Revelations 21 1-4  vs4 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  No surprise to me that this was the suggested reading for today, the day after I buried my Mom.  Praise God.

On this day
2001 - Mom and I took Nicole out and dropped her off to get fitted for her bridesmaid dress for her brother's wedding in August.  Now that is planning ahead.

2001 - It was announced that Siena Heights University would begin offering a class called "Animated Philosophy and Religion." The two-credit class would cover how religion and philosophy are part of popular culture and is based on the television series "The Simpsons." I have a lot to say about this with only one question, are they trying to reduce religion to comics?  Maybe I'm reading it wrong.

I might be a little sensitive today.  In the last 6 days we spent 2 days in the hospital with Mom, then 2 days preparing and 2 days at her funeral.  God is good, her pain is gone and now we have to heal.  It will be difficult to not have her on my mind everyday, but she is at rest.  My family and friends are the best people in the whole world!

Book Club  War and Peace
not a chance I will finish this month.

Linz Austria  culture

Picnic on the Lackenalm © Österreich Werbung / Peter Burgstaller

Your ideal hiking destination

Why Go Hiking in Austria?

Austria is the ideal hiking destination, with fascinating landscapes and a sophisticated network of trails of varying altitudes and levels of difficulty. Whether you explore one of the national parks, experience the beauty of the Alps on a long distance trail or head out on a family day hike, Austria offers unlimited opportunities. Wow!  Let's go today!
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10, 2015 Thursday #

reposting this from 2014  today.

December 10, 2014 Wednesday  

Weight workout, keep up my strength for Christmas.  As often as I lift weights I still feel it when I'm done.  Step up a little if you are using 1 lb go to 3 lb, if using 3lb go to 5 lb.  Challenge yourself.

Job chapter 38 - Where God is questioning Job about what he knows about creation.  I like the study writers insight as to our hearts having the same sound as the waves of the ocean hitting the beach.  I guess in the huge complexity of nature, that only God has full awareness of, there must be duplications. Do you think so?  Questioning Job was a way of keeping us aware of how humble we should be in the face of such awesome creative ability.

On this day;
2000 - Nicole, Jan and I went to the Macomb Mall and got our group picture taken with Santa.  Over the year we have gone with random people to get our picture taken together.  It's a fun thing to do.  I wish I had kept it up, anyone want to meet me at the Santa somewhere?

1520 - Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict. The papacy demanded that he recant or face excommunication. Luther refused and was formally expelled from the church in January 1521. As a Lutheran I find this interesting.

Parenting - Middle school girls hold the top award for drama, issues, attitude and silliness.  I had a great time doing  Christmas cookies with my friend Sue and 6 or 7 girls at Lifebuilders in Detroit last night.  I so enjoy watching full tough attitude melt on their faces into lets be silly and decorate cookies.  All but one cracked, I wonder and pray that her life gives her an opportunity to use her abilities to better herself.  Even defiance can be an asset if used properly.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 8, 2015 Tuesday #hipstretch#theLord'sservant#babysit#history!

Get Fit
We often get stiffness in our joints, whether you are 30 and exercise, run or are sedentary or if you are older.  The hip stretch exercises are a little extreme, but do as well as you can. Find it at Essential stretches for tight hips on Google.

Get Faith
Luke 1:26-28 This is the same part of the story as yesterday, but told in the Gospel of Luke.  This has a more in depth passion of Mary's story and how Holy she was in her acceptance. "I am the Lord's servant,"  Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled."  My prayer is that I would answer the call as readily as Mary did.  It's Christmas - get that tag off the giving tree.

On this day
1981 - After work I went over to Andy and Adele's and babysat the girls.  I got dinner which was good pay for something I liked doing anyway.  It is good to have family to stay with the kids, very often you might pay them to sit with their kids.  Love my nieces.

1980 - Zimbabwe’s manpower minister, Edgar Tekere, was found guilty in the killing of a white farmer. He was freed under a law that protected ministers acting to suppress terrorism. This is interesting for a lot of reasons.

How about a gift of babysitting to someone for Christmas?  You could do five evenings and one weekend or whatever you could.  Even one Saturday night a month, overnight at your house.   

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Maybe get some down time today and read.

Linz Austria  more background
Border …Over centuries, the river was alternately a dividing line and connecting link between the cultures and regions on its banks. As the "limes", it already served as a boundary between the Roman Empire and the lands of the "barbarians" to the north of the Danube more than 2,000 years ago. Roman emperors from Vespasian to Marcus Aurelius created that which was unimaginable for the simple rural population at the time: the stone frontier fortifications right down to the Black Sea. Even in the 20th century, the borders of the occupation zones after the Second World War ran along the Danube and made Linz a divided city. Later, during the Cold War, parts of the Iron Curtain fell along the Danube. (german only)  A lot of history here, I'll bet there are some good books to read on this.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Holly, Melissa and Ty!

Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7, 2015 Monday #getbusy#uptoit?#poetry#DanubeMonarchy

Get Fit
Never too soon or too late to start being healthy.

Get Faith
Matthew 1:18-25 This is the birth of our savior story according to Matthew.  This is specifically about Mary being pregnant with the Holy child and Joseph being man enough to accept responsibility.  Of course they both had the encouragement of two angels that explained everything to them, but still.  The were unknowns, people of simple background called to perform a miraculous event.  I thank them for their strength and faith and accepting the call.  Do you think you could bare a child knowing what his life would hold for him?  Stand up for Jesus.

On this day
1980 I spent the day writing poetry.

1980 - General Antonio Ramlho Eanes was reelected president of Portugal. His right-wing opposition was thrown into disarray by the death of Premier Francisco Sa Carneiro in a plane crash. For as much history that Portugal has created, I don't know very much about them.  I do feel someone should write some poetry about it..... anyone?  (slow day)

I was at a funeral this morning and the oldest son gave the eulogy.  He went on quite a while about his relationship with his Dad.  I know, personally, that he gave his dad a hard time but his dad was always there for him.  They did some work for me, the father and the son.  They argued about how to do everything, but they got it done and it was a good job.  The son finished his long speech by reading a short poem that he had written for his dad, just this morning.  It was quite good and I had to cry knowing this hard core biker guy, ex addict  had poured out his heart in a poem.  It is cleansing to write a poem.  Try it.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria  more background
Route of kingsThe Danube was no less than the "Route of Emperors and Kings". The Nibelungs, Roman em-perors and crusaders travelled it, as did King Louis VII of France and Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa with their entourage. In addition, the bridal journey of the Bavarian princess Sisi led from Straubing to Passau, Linz and Vienna, at the end of the 19th century. There, she became Empress Elisabeth of the Habsburgs' multinational state, also known as the Danube Monarchy, the hymn of which was sung in 11 languages. (german only)  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 6, 2015 Sunday #temptation#dance#angelnose#churchontheDanube

Get Faith
Matthew 4:1-11  Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the devil himself.  We don't always identify those people or things that tempt us away from God.  Maybe sleeping in on Sunday morning is much more tempting than going to worship and thanking God for the fact that you have a nice warm comfortable bed.  This is the first Sunday in Advent.  The time we prepare for the coming of the Christ child.  We celebrate it again and again leading up to Christmas.  Enjoy this time, remind your children of Christ's birth and the reason he was born, to live a life of example for you and then die on the cross to save you from your sins by rising up from death and ascending to the right hand of God to speak on your behalf.  That is a lot to be thankful for.  Don't be tempted to forget the real reason for the season.

On this day
1978 - My boss and co worker Christine and I went to Yesterday's for a drink after work.  Well you know how that goes.  We had a couple and then they announced there was a dance contest at 8:00.  A guy I had never seen, slightly pudgy with bad hair came up and asked me if I could dance and would I join him in the contest.  I thought, and said, sure why not.  He was a great dancer and very easy to follow and we won the contest.  The prize was a magnum of champagne, which we shared with everyone.  Chris you can remember the rest of this story to yourself.  Never judge a book by its cover.

1774 - Austria became the first nation to introduce a state education system. I wonder if they offered dance lessons.  This is interesting also because we are looking at Austria this month.

I wish I had a couple little kids to act in the Christmas program at church.  It was always a highlight of Christmas for me.  I think Nicole played every role but Mary over her Sunday School career.  Her earliest part was when she was three.  She was an angel, sitting on a little chair up front and picking her nose through a lot of the presentation.  Video  available.

Book club  - War and Peace by Tolstoy
No reading time lately.  I'll get it.

Linz Austria  more introduction

More than just a landscapeEspecially in Austria, the Danube is far more than the fascinatingly beautiful river landscape that stretches from the bend known as the Schlögener Schlinge to Grein, via the Linz Basin and the picturesque Strudengau region. Like a leitmotif, it runs through Linz's past and onwards into its future. The churches, castles, fortresses and bridges on the Danube are steel and stone witnesses to better, eventful and also more terrible times.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Melissa and Donald!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5, 2015 Saturday #deflab#thanks#nosnowhere#deckthehalls#family#Austria

Get Fit
Worked out the abs and arms this morning.  I use 5 lb weights but use 1 or 3 to get started.  Keep those underarms and abs firm.

Get Faith
Luke 17:11-17  This is about Jesus healing the 10 lepers.  Only one returned to thank God for this great gift.  Leprosy was the scourge of the time then.  The one that returned was a Samaritan, or a non Jew, a non follower of Jesus.  It seems that someone that is newly indoctrinated into a belief or faith is much more demonstrative of their appreciation.  We need to remember to thank God for all we have.  Psalm 103 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."  Today I will thank God.

On this day
1977  We had a heavy snow on this day here in Michigan.  My friend Pete was never one to be told what to do.  The more they announced to stay off the streets the stronger his urge to get in the car and go.  We went out to dinner - not a regular activity, just to go plow through the snow.  We went to Pat O'briens, which is a good idea even if it doesn't snow.

1977 - Egypt broke diplomatic relations with Syria, Libya, Algeria, Iraq and South Yemen due to peaceful relations with Israel. This doesn't go away, it just goes on and on. Any suggestions or ideas?

Our new Pastor wasn't at church last night for our annual deck the halls.  This is no small feat at our church.  We put up 50 some trees, two of which are 20 foot - on the altar.  Then there is the roping and etc.  There are about 20 of us that are always there and it gets done with or without the others that are always jokingly accused of "skipping".  It went pretty fast last night, probably because of the fact we are all seasoned putter uppers.  The Pastor's son had a recital at his college in Wisconsin, so he is excused.  

This time of year is terrible for accomplishing anything.  You make your own plans and then find out your child has a game, recital or party that you are requested to attend.  My daughters activities always came first with me.  I needed her to know that she was my first and favorite activity.  Now, if you have more than one child, how does that work?  I did have Aaron, but it always seemed to work out ok.  Nicole loved going to anything he was involved in.  His biggest fan.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria  Introduction
187km (116 miles) NW of Vienna; 130km (81 miles) NE of Salzburg; 269km (167 miles) E of Munich
Linz, the provincial capital of Upper Austria, is the third-largest city in the country after Vienna and Graz. It's the biggest port on the Danube, which widens out considerably here to become a majestic thoroughfare. Three bridges connect Linz with the suburb of Urfahr, on the left bank of the river. If you enter the country from Passau, Germany, Linz will be your gateway to Austria.
Linz was the site of a Roman castle and settlement, Lentia, in the 1st century A.D. By the Middle Ages it had become a thriving center of trade because of its position on the river. Emperor Friedrich III lived here from 1489 to 1493. Now the city sits on a direct rail route linking the Adriatic and Baltic seas. It was here that Austria's first railroad terminated. Because of these factors, Linz became an industrial and manufacturing center, with blast furnaces and steel factories. Its industrial capacity was rapidly built up after Hitler seized Austria in 1938, and the Nazis later established chemical plants here. Unfortunately, Linz's industrial boom made it a frequent target of Allied bombing; it took years to repair the destruction rained upon the city.

Read more:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4, 2015 Friday #fitbit#standstrong#merri#Christmasisnotjustforkids#bendintheriver

Get Fit
Looking for a Christmas present for someone?  The fitbit is a great gift that encourages activity and health awareness all year.  Give the gift that says I care about your health!

Get Faith
Ephesians 6:10-18  Paul tells us to put on the armor of God.  This is a great passage for us to read during these times of grief from the evil in this world.  It tells us to "stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace".  Think of the armies of Red Cross workers, the Doctors without borders, the missionaries, the armed forces of the world and all of the good, kind people on this earth that surely far outnumber those with evil intent.  Stand strong.  Pray for peace.

On this day
1976  I went over to Berniece's house to help set up and get things ready for Andy and Adele's baby shower.  They were expecting Merri, well they didn't know it was Merri, but they were expecting.  Berniece lived half a block from Andy's so after I was there I went to see the baby's new nursery furniture.  It was the first baby in our immediate family and so anxiously awaited it over shadowed Christmas.

1783 - Gen. George Washington said farewell to his officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York. The end of war celebration in a bar?  Let's find a bar to end the war on terrorism.

I still decorate the house like I am expecting a herd of kids to come in.  The Christmas books, toys and stuffed animals sit waiting.  Some times I get lucky and a few mosey in.  I should have followed my friends leads and went to a more enchanting, beautifully dressed trees and adult themes, but I am a holdout.  Oh well.  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Appropriate book for any time I guess.  This is a condensed version, I feel like I am cheating.  Glad I didn't live back then, I would have died of the fomality.

Linz Austria Introduction

Linz transforms the Danube - and vice versa

As the city's full name expresses so succinctly, Linz lies on the Danube as few other Austrian cities do. In 2014 and 2015, the European Capital of Culture invites both its inhabitants and visitors to discover the city on all levels, from the water.
In Linz, the Danube curves and changes direction – here, it changes its face. Is it just chance that at exactly this point on the river, a city has emerged that has experienced many changes? "Lentos" and "Lentia" are the Celtic and Roman names for Linz. Both refer to the river's change of course, both also tell the story of Linz's transformations. For the moment, the last of these is that of the booming industrial city to the European Capital of Culture.  Love to really be there, immerse yourself in this article, more tomorrow.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Tamara!  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3, 2015 Thursday #yoga#Bestill#friends#peaceplease#

Get Fit
I suppose I should ask Santa for another yoga video.  I started out years ago with Raquel Welsh's video and it finally wore out.  Too bad I liked that one.  I can't do all the poses but I try and that is what it is about, working at your own level.  Maybe you should ask for one!

Get Faith
Psalm 46 - I am not good at memory work, but I remember this verse, always. "He says, "Be still and know that I am God""  and this,  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in  trouble"  The terrorists, the haters, the killers have separated themselves from God.  They will find no help in the life after for their sins against humanity.  God wants us to love each other, if you are still you will know His peace.  Pray

On this day
2013  Pam and I went to Norma's to put up her tree for her because she had foot surgery.  Then we went out to see Pam's new grandson Emmett.  Pam, Norma and I have a lot of history, we have been friends since 1973.  I am sure you have that one or more friend that you can laugh and reminisce with, if not - get one!

1948 - The "Pumpkin Papers" came to public light. The House Un-American Activities Committee announced that former Communist spy Whittaker Chambers had produced microfilm of secret documents hidden inside a pumpkin on his Maryland farm. Before they had cell phones.

How should we teach our children to deal with the horror and violence they see on TV?  Oh, don't let them watch the news?  Well, most of the programs, Law and Order, CSI, even Castle all deal with violence and murder.  Are we obsessed?  Is the answer to get rid of guns?  In Africa the people are unarmed and the armed invaders come in and steal 200 of their school girls.  They overpower the citizens and make the boys into murderous armies.  So, what is the answer?  Arm everyone and have an out and out war?  Scare ourselves so bad that we shoot the paperboy when he comes to deliver the paper?  Live in constant fear of attackers?  What is the answer?  It starts with our children.

Book Club War and Peace by Tolstoy
Speaking of war and peace.  Many stories told on the subject of war.

Linz Austria
Austria Classic Hotel Wolfinger

This looks like a lively place to stay!  Wolfinger Hotel.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday John!!