Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015 Tuesday #lowcalorie#God'shouse#snowedin#Woundedknee#canyouhearme?

Get Fit
Low-Calorie Drinks & Weight Loss [INFOGRAPHIC] http://www.foodinsight.org/obesity-journal-study-low-calorie-sweetened-drinks-infographic.  Check this out.

Get Faith
John 14:1-6  "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God, believe aso in me, My Father's house has many rooms, if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."  These are such comforting words after losing my Mom recently.  I thank God for my faith.

On this Day
1983 - We had gone up to Gaylord to spend Christmas with Mom and my brother Mark.  The day before we were snowed in, but a friend came and plowed out the road and driveway to Mom's house so we were able to hook up the snowmobile and get out of the drive.  Mom's husband Bob had just died tragically in a tractor accident on the the 1rst of December, so it was hard to leave Mom up there and come home.

1890 - The U.S. Seventh Cavalry massacred over 400 men, women and children at Wounded Knee Creek, SD. This was the last major conflict between Indians and U.S.troops. This was tragic!  Have you read the book?  This is the result of white men responding to the fear of another race of people they felt threatened by.

People respond differently to loss of a family member.  I was so mad at Bob for not being safer on his tractor.  I went out into the woods and yelled at him after his death.  He wasn't a faithful man, never went to church, but he was a good man.  I'm not sure where he is now, but I know he was in the woods behind that house in Gaylord that day, listening to me.  

Linz Austria  last couple of days here before we move on.
Linz, Austrian dress DirndlHow about a new dress before we leave!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Tia!

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