Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10, 2015 Thursday #

reposting this from 2014  today.

December 10, 2014 Wednesday  

Weight workout, keep up my strength for Christmas.  As often as I lift weights I still feel it when I'm done.  Step up a little if you are using 1 lb go to 3 lb, if using 3lb go to 5 lb.  Challenge yourself.

Job chapter 38 - Where God is questioning Job about what he knows about creation.  I like the study writers insight as to our hearts having the same sound as the waves of the ocean hitting the beach.  I guess in the huge complexity of nature, that only God has full awareness of, there must be duplications. Do you think so?  Questioning Job was a way of keeping us aware of how humble we should be in the face of such awesome creative ability.

On this day;
2000 - Nicole, Jan and I went to the Macomb Mall and got our group picture taken with Santa.  Over the year we have gone with random people to get our picture taken together.  It's a fun thing to do.  I wish I had kept it up, anyone want to meet me at the Santa somewhere?

1520 - Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict. The papacy demanded that he recant or face excommunication. Luther refused and was formally expelled from the church in January 1521. As a Lutheran I find this interesting.

Parenting - Middle school girls hold the top award for drama, issues, attitude and silliness.  I had a great time doing  Christmas cookies with my friend Sue and 6 or 7 girls at Lifebuilders in Detroit last night.  I so enjoy watching full tough attitude melt on their faces into lets be silly and decorate cookies.  All but one cracked, I wonder and pray that her life gives her an opportunity to use her abilities to better herself.  Even defiance can be an asset if used properly.

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