Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5, 2015 Saturday #deflab#thanks#nosnowhere#deckthehalls#family#Austria

Get Fit
Worked out the abs and arms this morning.  I use 5 lb weights but use 1 or 3 to get started.  Keep those underarms and abs firm.

Get Faith
Luke 17:11-17  This is about Jesus healing the 10 lepers.  Only one returned to thank God for this great gift.  Leprosy was the scourge of the time then.  The one that returned was a Samaritan, or a non Jew, a non follower of Jesus.  It seems that someone that is newly indoctrinated into a belief or faith is much more demonstrative of their appreciation.  We need to remember to thank God for all we have.  Psalm 103 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."  Today I will thank God.

On this day
1977  We had a heavy snow on this day here in Michigan.  My friend Pete was never one to be told what to do.  The more they announced to stay off the streets the stronger his urge to get in the car and go.  We went out to dinner - not a regular activity, just to go plow through the snow.  We went to Pat O'briens, which is a good idea even if it doesn't snow.

1977 - Egypt broke diplomatic relations with Syria, Libya, Algeria, Iraq and South Yemen due to peaceful relations with Israel. This doesn't go away, it just goes on and on. Any suggestions or ideas?

Our new Pastor wasn't at church last night for our annual deck the halls.  This is no small feat at our church.  We put up 50 some trees, two of which are 20 foot - on the altar.  Then there is the roping and etc.  There are about 20 of us that are always there and it gets done with or without the others that are always jokingly accused of "skipping".  It went pretty fast last night, probably because of the fact we are all seasoned putter uppers.  The Pastor's son had a recital at his college in Wisconsin, so he is excused.  

This time of year is terrible for accomplishing anything.  You make your own plans and then find out your child has a game, recital or party that you are requested to attend.  My daughters activities always came first with me.  I needed her to know that she was my first and favorite activity.  Now, if you have more than one child, how does that work?  I did have Aaron, but it always seemed to work out ok.  Nicole loved going to anything he was involved in.  His biggest fan.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria  Introduction
187km (116 miles) NW of Vienna; 130km (81 miles) NE of Salzburg; 269km (167 miles) E of Munich
Linz, the provincial capital of Upper Austria, is the third-largest city in the country after Vienna and Graz. It's the biggest port on the Danube, which widens out considerably here to become a majestic thoroughfare. Three bridges connect Linz with the suburb of Urfahr, on the left bank of the river. If you enter the country from Passau, Germany, Linz will be your gateway to Austria.
Linz was the site of a Roman castle and settlement, Lentia, in the 1st century A.D. By the Middle Ages it had become a thriving center of trade because of its position on the river. Emperor Friedrich III lived here from 1489 to 1493. Now the city sits on a direct rail route linking the Adriatic and Baltic seas. It was here that Austria's first railroad terminated. Because of these factors, Linz became an industrial and manufacturing center, with blast furnaces and steel factories. Its industrial capacity was rapidly built up after Hitler seized Austria in 1938, and the Nazis later established chemical plants here. Unfortunately, Linz's industrial boom made it a frequent target of Allied bombing; it took years to repair the destruction rained upon the city.

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Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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