Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015 Friday #catPilates#foryou#ski#ruptuered?#whatIdon'tknow#bestlocalspecialities!

Get Fit
As I was doing the open leg rocker I came back up to find my cat sitting between my legs with a toy in front of him.  So, either teach your animals to do Pilates with you or make sure they have something to do while you exercise.  My cat has been getting a lot of exercise lately, but he doesn't like the winter weather so I might have to get him a cat gym.  Oh, he has one.

Get Faith
Roman 5:6  "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."  He is not just available to those who are always in church, always doing his work here on earth, always seen in prayer - He is a God for all of the people, whoever we are.

On this day
2005 - Was a Sunday and Mom and I went to church.  They had the Sunday School program and the cookie walk.  Mom and I always made gingerbread cookies and bought boxes of cookies to take home which we both wanted specific cookies and found out they were all the same favorites when we got home.  Nicole was up at Blue Mountain with her ski and snowboard friends from Albion.

1862 - The first orthopedic hospital was organized in New York City. It was called the Hospital for Ruptured and Crippled. What a horrible name, I would be terrified to be included as a patient there.

Nicole lived the entire year for this event.  She was the organizer as she had been the president of the club at college.  There was a huge group of people that went then, and they had a great time.  The only trouble I remember her mentioning was someone had broke a light fixture in the hallway.  The pictures I saw always made me wonder what she didn't tell me, but I don't want to know.  Do you ski or snow board?

Book Club  War and Peace
Unfortunately too busy to read just now - but I will.

Linz Austria  

Traditional dishes and cuisine from Linz, Mühlviertel and Upper Austria

Linz, Upper Austria and the Mühlviertel has some great traditional local food. The best local specialities are usually available at a so called Landgasthaus, which is a traditional Austrian restaurant in the countryside in a small village in the Mühlviertel  or in the suburbs. of Linz.
Unfortunately most traditional restaurants and probably the best of those Landgasthaus do not offer an English menu. Many names of the most delicious dishes cannot be found in any dictionary or travel guide.
However in most of these traditional restaurants people are friendly and patient and if you may be able to get hold of somebody to explain it to you in English.
Most traditional dishes from Linz or the Mühlviertel are heavy, so called deftige Hausmannskost, so be warned! Key ingredients for main courses include pork, beef, veal, chicken, potatoes, flour, butter, sour cream .  Many dishes may suit everyone, some dishes may primarily be loved by people who grew up with them. Some of these Austrian delicacies you can also find in a "Fleischhauer" or Fleischhauerei, which is a speciality butcher. Almost all butchers in Austria sell also snacks. Some traditional Austrian specialities require many hours of preparation. Therefore several tasty dishes are found less and less on the menu of restaurants.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Dan and Dean!  

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