Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4, 2015 Friday #fitbit#standstrong#merri#Christmasisnotjustforkids#bendintheriver

Get Fit
Looking for a Christmas present for someone?  The fitbit is a great gift that encourages activity and health awareness all year.  Give the gift that says I care about your health!

Get Faith
Ephesians 6:10-18  Paul tells us to put on the armor of God.  This is a great passage for us to read during these times of grief from the evil in this world.  It tells us to "stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace".  Think of the armies of Red Cross workers, the Doctors without borders, the missionaries, the armed forces of the world and all of the good, kind people on this earth that surely far outnumber those with evil intent.  Stand strong.  Pray for peace.

On this day
1976  I went over to Berniece's house to help set up and get things ready for Andy and Adele's baby shower.  They were expecting Merri, well they didn't know it was Merri, but they were expecting.  Berniece lived half a block from Andy's so after I was there I went to see the baby's new nursery furniture.  It was the first baby in our immediate family and so anxiously awaited it over shadowed Christmas.

1783 - Gen. George Washington said farewell to his officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York. The end of war celebration in a bar?  Let's find a bar to end the war on terrorism.

I still decorate the house like I am expecting a herd of kids to come in.  The Christmas books, toys and stuffed animals sit waiting.  Some times I get lucky and a few mosey in.  I should have followed my friends leads and went to a more enchanting, beautifully dressed trees and adult themes, but I am a holdout.  Oh well.  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Appropriate book for any time I guess.  This is a condensed version, I feel like I am cheating.  Glad I didn't live back then, I would have died of the fomality.

Linz Austria Introduction

Linz transforms the Danube - and vice versa

As the city's full name expresses so succinctly, Linz lies on the Danube as few other Austrian cities do. In 2014 and 2015, the European Capital of Culture invites both its inhabitants and visitors to discover the city on all levels, from the water.
In Linz, the Danube curves and changes direction – here, it changes its face. Is it just chance that at exactly this point on the river, a city has emerged that has experienced many changes? "Lentos" and "Lentia" are the Celtic and Roman names for Linz. Both refer to the river's change of course, both also tell the story of Linz's transformations. For the moment, the last of these is that of the booming industrial city to the European Capital of Culture.  Love to really be there, immerse yourself in this article, more tomorrow.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Tamara!  

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