Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 26, 2015 Saturday #newworkout#change#friends#livelonger#read#work!

Get Fit
Did you get some new exercise equipment for Christmas or maybe a membership to a gym.  If not, treat yourself to something!  Keep moving, get a head start on that New Year resolution!

Acts 7:54-60 The stoning of Stephen.  This is kind of a dire story for the day after Christmas, but because the Messiah was born many peoples lives changed.  In this reading you see Stephen murdered for his belief in Christ and Saul who was changed by Christ after condoning Stephen's murder.  Keep yourself open to change in your faith, you won't regret it.  Merry Christmas!

On this day
1975 - The day after Christmas, but we were young and still ready to go.  We visited with a lot of friends - a lot that are gone already.  Charlie and Vicky went way too early.  But Ty, Pat and Pam are still good friends that I still keep in touch with.  Do you have friends that you haven't talked to in a while?  This might be a good time to reconnect -- before the year ends.

1620 - The Pilgrim Fathers landed at New Plymouth, MA, to found Plymouth Colony, with John Carver as Governor. This seems like an easy election.

I know most of you do not keep a journal and it is only in random memory that an old friend comes to mind.  I have maintained a lot of close friendships, because I remember through my journals, their birthdays, events and occasions that we have shared.  I gather friends because they enrich my life, keep me centered, reinforce my honest opinion of myself and always give me something to look forward to, like being with them again.  Friendships are important in life, people with a healthy social lives are known to be healthier and happier and live longer.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
I am determined to finish.  Today will be a reading day.  As above reading is a healthy habit to adopt, but find something that will engage you and make you finish it.  

Lina Austria

Business in Linz

Today Linz is Austria’s second largest business and economic area with over 6,200 businesses and 205,000 jobs. The city is in a unique position to boast more jobs than city inhabitants. Jobs mean tax income for local communities and the cities. And the local tax statistics are a strong economic indicator to determine the strength of an economic location. This is approximately 56 per cent or 223 € (!) more than the average per capita tax revenues of other comparable Austrian cities. Linz also has the consistently lowest unemployment rate of all the capitals of the Federal Provinces.
The focal point of economic policies in the near future is support for creative businesses.  At this time, three new creative entrepreneurial centers have been designed and created not only to significantly contribute and strengthen creative businesses, but also add value and create new jobs  Looking to relocate?
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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