Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20, 2015 Sunday #Advent#shopping#travel#party#music!

Get Faith
Romans 8:31-39   "If God is for us, who can be against us?"  On this 4th Sunday of Advent, as we wait for the celebration of our Saviors birth, we are reminded that God IS for us and sent his son to die for our sins.  His son's life and death remind us that God so loved the world.

On this day
2008  The day before we had 12" of snow, but I must have got us shoveled out because on this day Mom and I and our neighbor Al who was 83 at the time went to breakfast and then to the mall shopping.  I can't remember what car I had at the time, but it must have been ok in the snow.  Is your shopping all done?

1803 - The United States Senate ratified a treaty that included the Louisiana Territories from France for $15 million. The transfer was completed with formal ceremonies in New Orleans.  Glad for this I love New Orleans!

My traveler friends gathered last night for our Christmas party - Austria style.  At a Christmas party in 2008 I was telling this group about how I traveled on the internet to different countries and so was born our "travel" group.  So after 7 years there are five regular couples and a few extra people that join us occasionally.  We have grown close and share a wonderful relationship.  Find a regular monthly reason - cards, dinner, movie etc to get together.  Friends are good for the heart and soul.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
One of my friends daughters is reading Anna Karina and intends to read War and Peace next.  
I'll have to think about that.

Linz Austria  


Acoustics that send even well-traveled world stars into rapture have become a trademark of the Brucknerhaus since its inauguration in 1974. Cultivating classical music, contemporary art, jazz, rock and pop concerts, musicals, opera and operetta: all of this is part of the normal course of the vibrant, high-quality concert life in Linz.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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