Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015 Tuesday #Happyfirstdayofwinterinnorthernhemisphere.

Get Fit
Did a weight workout today so I can carry all the presents I bought. On the other side my purse is a lot lighter!

Get Faith
Luke 2:8-20  On the holy night that Christ was born the angels descended to earth and told the shepherds that the Messiah was born.  Messengers of good news. news that would bring great joy to all the people.  The good news is still coming to you told by scores of Sunday School children in shepherds costumes.  The shepherds spread the news of the baby and praised God -"Glory to God in the highest on and earth peace to those on whom his favor rests."  Read the whole story and let his favor fall on you.

On this day
2010 - I left work early and came home to take my neighbors to the airport to go to Florida.  Debbie and Chris were going to see the other son Joey that lived down there.  He paid their tickets and told them, "ask Nancy to take you to the airport".  I practically raised Joey, he was over at my house in diapers, before I had kids.  Do something nice today for someone who needs something nice done for them.  Merry Christmas

1895 - German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen made the first X-ray, of his wife's hand. I wonder how many he made?

I'm so excited Nicole asked me to go with her and Craig to see Starwars today!  You do something fun, even if it cuts into the holiday work.

Book Club War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria 

A street in the Altstadt.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris and Ron

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