Saturday, December 19, 2015

December 19, 2015 Saturday #Igotlegs#don'tworry#Ilovetotellthestoy#Americathebeautiful#wearefamily#Yadusisteineschnitzel!

Get Fit
Did the dancers legs workout.  I try to do a variety of workouts through the week so I can  be sore all over.

Get Faith
Luke 12:22-34  Do not worry.  This tells us not to worry about what we are going to wear or what we will eat.  God will provide.  This comes as I am wondering what to wear to a Christmas party and what food to bring and share.  It comes as I am wondering what gifts I will buy for the people I love.  God knows what is in our hearts, that is the important thing.  He provides through you, sharing what you have with those that don't have,. So as you are shopping, remember to share food for the hungry and gifts to the children and those who have less. God's work; your hands.

On this day
2006 - I went Christmas shopping for my daughter.  She wanted a Lutheran Hymnal of her own.  She played music for Stoney Lake camp and loved the hymns.  No wonder she was able to select the great songs and verses for her Grandmothers funeral service this past week.

1777 - General George Washington led his army of about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, PA, to camp for the winter. We should remember our patriots who did things like, just before Christmas went and camped in tents in freezing weather in service to our country.  

My brother lives 3 hours away and after Mom's funeral this week went back home only to end up in the hospital himself with kidney stones.  With the holidays coming on we have to make sure we do the most important things like taking care of our health.  Do you travel or host at the holidays?  

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
I would kill for a day to just read, maybe next week, after the holiday.

Linz Austria - Cuisine

Snack food[edit]

Käsekrainer Sausage with a Kaiser roll and mustard
For food consumed in between meals there are many types of open sandwiches called "belegte Brote", or different kinds of sausage with mustard, ketchup and bread, as well as sliced sausage, Leberkäse rolls or Schnitzelsemmeln (rolls filled with schnitzel).
Open sandwiches in Vienna, with a Pfiff-size beer
Traditionally you can get a Wurstsemmel (a roll filled, usually, with Extrawurst a special kind of thinly sliced sausage, often with a slice of Cheese and a Pickle or Cornichon) at a Butcher or at the delicatessen counter in a supermarket.
There are also other common yet informal delicacies that are typical of Austrian food. For example, the Bosnaor Bosner (a spiced bratwurst in a hot dog roll), which is an integral part of the menu at Austria's typical fast-food joint, the sausage stand (Würstelstand). Most Austrian sausages contain pork.  Yummy!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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