Monday, December 21, 2015

December 22, 2015 Monday #goodhealth!#believe#havefun#Pilgrims#Mom#memorial

Get Fit
It is easy to get off your regular routine in the holidays, but try and stick to exercise as much as you can.  It will counteract all those calories from the cookies and all the other treats and it will also give you the needed energy to accomplish all the extra work and running around, including parties!  This is also when we hug and kiss an extra 100 people and come in contact with every known bug going around.  Take care of yourself - wash your hands, take your vitamins and drink lots of water, oh, and get some sleep!

Get Faith
John 20:24-29  "because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." This is St Thomas's day and those words were spoken to him from Jesus.  We are blessed with the Holy Spirit that gives us our faith to believe without having seen.  The Spirit enters us at baptism and keeps our faith alive.  Thanks be to God the Holy Spirit.

On this day
2009  Getting close to the holidays and I'm always frantic, tying up lose ends.  In this year my friend Don was in the hospital, not a good place to be for the holidays, but he did get out in time and is better off for it.  Nicole took the Cornell kids snowboarding, so I guess we had snow. I of course was shopping, kind of better than being in the hospital but not as good as snowboarding.  Which category do you fall into today?  Snowboarding I hope!

1620 - The "Mayflower", and its passengers, pilgrims from England, landed at Plymouth Rock, MA  Wow 395 years ago, just before Christmas, probably horrible weather and no warm cozy houses to move into.  They had their faith, that's why they made the voyage.

It has been a week since my Mom's funeral.  I think of her a lot.  I am not sad that she is gone because the alternative to her staying wasn't good.  I just miss her terribly. I visited her almost everyday at the assisted living place and she always went to the front door in her wheelchair and waved with both hands a big smile when I left.  I see that.

Book Club War and Peace Tolstoy
not this week.

Linz Austria sightseeing

Photo of Mauthausen Memorial

Mauthausen memorial.  Look it up.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Christy

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