Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 6, 2015 Sunday #temptation#dance#angelnose#churchontheDanube

Get Faith
Matthew 4:1-11  Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the devil himself.  We don't always identify those people or things that tempt us away from God.  Maybe sleeping in on Sunday morning is much more tempting than going to worship and thanking God for the fact that you have a nice warm comfortable bed.  This is the first Sunday in Advent.  The time we prepare for the coming of the Christ child.  We celebrate it again and again leading up to Christmas.  Enjoy this time, remind your children of Christ's birth and the reason he was born, to live a life of example for you and then die on the cross to save you from your sins by rising up from death and ascending to the right hand of God to speak on your behalf.  That is a lot to be thankful for.  Don't be tempted to forget the real reason for the season.

On this day
1978 - My boss and co worker Christine and I went to Yesterday's for a drink after work.  Well you know how that goes.  We had a couple and then they announced there was a dance contest at 8:00.  A guy I had never seen, slightly pudgy with bad hair came up and asked me if I could dance and would I join him in the contest.  I thought, and said, sure why not.  He was a great dancer and very easy to follow and we won the contest.  The prize was a magnum of champagne, which we shared with everyone.  Chris you can remember the rest of this story to yourself.  Never judge a book by its cover.

1774 - Austria became the first nation to introduce a state education system. I wonder if they offered dance lessons.  This is interesting also because we are looking at Austria this month.

I wish I had a couple little kids to act in the Christmas program at church.  It was always a highlight of Christmas for me.  I think Nicole played every role but Mary over her Sunday School career.  Her earliest part was when she was three.  She was an angel, sitting on a little chair up front and picking her nose through a lot of the presentation.  Video  available.

Book club  - War and Peace by Tolstoy
No reading time lately.  I'll get it.

Linz Austria  more introduction

More than just a landscapeEspecially in Austria, the Danube is far more than the fascinatingly beautiful river landscape that stretches from the bend known as the Schlögener Schlinge to Grein, via the Linz Basin and the picturesque Strudengau region. Like a leitmotif, it runs through Linz's past and onwards into its future. The churches, castles, fortresses and bridges on the Danube are steel and stone witnesses to better, eventful and also more terrible times.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Melissa and Donald!

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