Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December 23, 2015 Wednesday #Enjoy!#family#steakpie#enjoyfamilyandfriends

Get Fit
Pilates Ring workout.  I'm tightening up the abs today to remind myself how hard fat is to tighten up later.  Here comes the Holidays!

Get Faith
Hebrews 12:1-11  "Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family.  So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters."  We are family in Christ so enjoy your brothers birthday on Christmas and know that you are welcome!  Happy Birthday Jesus.

On this day
1967  This memory is just for myself.  My husband Don's mom made a steak pie, usually Christmas Eve, but this year on the 23rd.  The family spent all year endearing themselves to her to get a seat at her table for the steak pie.  It was amazing!  She had a small kitchen, no dining room, so only 6 with the most 8 could get around the table.  This was my first time and I will never forget.  What do you serve at Christmas?

1783 - George Washington returned home to Mount Vernon, after the disbanding of his army following the Revolutionary War. The other day I mentioned the army had settled in tents in the cold in 1777, so six years later they get home in time for Christmas.  God Bless our armed forces!

As our families and friends families grow it gets harder to get everyone together "as usual".  Most people find their regular routines change, with some missing and others added.  Try not to be too disappointed if dinner isn't where or when you want it to be - just enjoy the moments with those you love.  

Linz Austria religion


Freedom of religion is a statutorily guaranteed right in Austria, the legal foundation – starting with the Patents of Tolerance of 1781/82 – having been created over a period of about two centuries. Of great importance for the individual is the constitutional guarantee of freedom of conscience and creed laid down in Article 14 of the Basic Law on the General Rights of Nationals of 1867. This Article, in combination with the Law Regarding Inter-confessional Relation-ships of 1868, guarantees every resident in Austria the right to join any church or religious community by free choice, to leave such church or religious community at his/her own personal discretion or, finally, to abstain from belonging to any of them. Article 63 paragraph 2 of the State Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye of 1919 as well as Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights of 1950 further enhanced and specified the basic right of religious freedom. 
hauptplatz in linz

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Scott!

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