Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 8, 2015 Tuesday #hipstretch#theLord'sservant#babysit#history!

Get Fit
We often get stiffness in our joints, whether you are 30 and exercise, run or are sedentary or if you are older.  The hip stretch exercises are a little extreme, but do as well as you can. Find it at Essential stretches for tight hips on Google.

Get Faith
Luke 1:26-28 This is the same part of the story as yesterday, but told in the Gospel of Luke.  This has a more in depth passion of Mary's story and how Holy she was in her acceptance. "I am the Lord's servant,"  Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled."  My prayer is that I would answer the call as readily as Mary did.  It's Christmas - get that tag off the giving tree.

On this day
1981 - After work I went over to Andy and Adele's and babysat the girls.  I got dinner which was good pay for something I liked doing anyway.  It is good to have family to stay with the kids, very often you might pay them to sit with their kids.  Love my nieces.

1980 - Zimbabwe’s manpower minister, Edgar Tekere, was found guilty in the killing of a white farmer. He was freed under a law that protected ministers acting to suppress terrorism. This is interesting for a lot of reasons.

How about a gift of babysitting to someone for Christmas?  You could do five evenings and one weekend or whatever you could.  Even one Saturday night a month, overnight at your house.   

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy
Maybe get some down time today and read.

Linz Austria  more background
Border …Over centuries, the river was alternately a dividing line and connecting link between the cultures and regions on its banks. As the "limes", it already served as a boundary between the Roman Empire and the lands of the "barbarians" to the north of the Danube more than 2,000 years ago. Roman emperors from Vespasian to Marcus Aurelius created that which was unimaginable for the simple rural population at the time: the stone frontier fortifications right down to the Black Sea. Even in the 20th century, the borders of the occupation zones after the Second World War ran along the Danube and made Linz a divided city. Later, during the Cold War, parts of the Iron Curtain fell along the Danube.
www.donau-limes.at (german only)  A lot of history here, I'll bet there are some good books to read on this.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Holly, Melissa and Ty!

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