Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17, 2015 #stayhealthy#Thywillbedone#Christmascards#stayhealthy!lovefromAustria

Get Fit
Only made it through the warm up and one circuit with Jillian's No More Trouble Zones.  I'll do better tomorrow.  If you have a cold or earache it can through off your balance.  So my excuse is I'm off  balance.  Going to the doctor to take care of my health.

Get Faith
Matthew 26:36-45  Gethsemane  vs39 "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will." Sometime we know what is coming and need strength to face it.  Give it to God.  This vs and the same from the Our Father prayer is my go to when I pray - Thy will be done.  

On this day
2004 - I billed twice a month and on this day the boss was sick and didn't get in till lunch.  He hadn't signed the 400 Christmas cards that needed to be sent out - today.  He finally got it done while I finished the billing.  It was always a battle to accomplish those cards.  They had to be a Christmas scene with snow and a farm.  I kept a file with the old cards and verses so I wouldn't duplicate because when I first started this someone told the  boss, "hey this is the same card you sent me 2 years ago."  Really?

2004 - U.S. President George W. Bush signed into law the largest overhaul of U.S. intelligence gathering in 50 years. The bill aimed to tighten borders and aviation security. It also created a federal counterterrorism center and a new intelligence director.  Is it still working? or has it been disassembled?  

When it rains it pours.  My brother is fighting a kidney stone today up north in the hospital.  When illness or death hits a family the other players often start to fall also.  Said the girl with no voice, who is going to get meds.  Keep your health in the best shape you can so when this happens you can recuperate quickly.

Book Club  War and Peace

Linz Austria culture

How would this be?

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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