Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3, 2015 Thursday #yoga#Bestill#friends#peaceplease#

Get Fit
I suppose I should ask Santa for another yoga video.  I started out years ago with Raquel Welsh's video and it finally wore out.  Too bad I liked that one.  I can't do all the poses but I try and that is what it is about, working at your own level.  Maybe you should ask for one!

Get Faith
Psalm 46 - I am not good at memory work, but I remember this verse, always. "He says, "Be still and know that I am God""  and this,  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in  trouble"  The terrorists, the haters, the killers have separated themselves from God.  They will find no help in the life after for their sins against humanity.  God wants us to love each other, if you are still you will know His peace.  Pray

On this day
2013  Pam and I went to Norma's to put up her tree for her because she had foot surgery.  Then we went out to see Pam's new grandson Emmett.  Pam, Norma and I have a lot of history, we have been friends since 1973.  I am sure you have that one or more friend that you can laugh and reminisce with, if not - get one!

1948 - The "Pumpkin Papers" came to public light. The House Un-American Activities Committee announced that former Communist spy Whittaker Chambers had produced microfilm of secret documents hidden inside a pumpkin on his Maryland farm. Before they had cell phones.

How should we teach our children to deal with the horror and violence they see on TV?  Oh, don't let them watch the news?  Well, most of the programs, Law and Order, CSI, even Castle all deal with violence and murder.  Are we obsessed?  Is the answer to get rid of guns?  In Africa the people are unarmed and the armed invaders come in and steal 200 of their school girls.  They overpower the citizens and make the boys into murderous armies.  So, what is the answer?  Arm everyone and have an out and out war?  Scare ourselves so bad that we shoot the paperboy when he comes to deliver the paper?  Live in constant fear of attackers?  What is the answer?  It starts with our children.

Book Club War and Peace by Tolstoy
Speaking of war and peace.  Many stories told on the subject of war.

Linz Austria
Austria Classic Hotel Wolfinger

This looks like a lively place to stay!  Wolfinger Hotel.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday John!!

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