Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28, 2015 Monday #absvscookies#peace#peace#peace#playinsteadofkill

Get Fit
Worked out the abs with Denise this morning.  I only put on 3 pounds so far but we aren't done yet right?

Get Faith
Matthew 2:13-18 This is the story of slaughter of the Holy Innocents.  Those were the babies that Herod put to death hoping to destroy the Christ child.  How frightened he must have been to do such a horrific thing.  Those babies were collateral damage in a war on Peace.  God's peace.  It seems so much worse when it is babies. Mothers still cry over their grown children killed in wars, killed by the modern day Herods.  Let their be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

On this day
1982 - I quite often stopped at Eastland on my way home to pick up something I needed.  It was a great shopping center with an easily located Hallmark store and a nice place to stroll and window shop.  On this day I picked up a quick birthday card.

1982 - Nevell Johnson Jr. was mortally wounded by a police officer in a Miami video arcade. The event set off three days of race related disturbances that left another man dead. Think this is something new?  No, it continues.  Again - Let there be peace on earth.

I'm sorry for the mother of the 18 year old boy who was killed in gunfire at Eastland Mall yesterday.  I am also sorry for his 6 month old daughter that will never know her father.  This was not a police killing, it was a disagreement between young people.  Again - Let it begin with me.

Linz Austria - just a few more days here

Found a game place called Master of Escape.  You play in teams and looks like fun!  Go to Linz Austria things to do to see it!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Brandon!

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