Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7, 2015 Monday #getbusy#uptoit?#poetry#DanubeMonarchy

Get Fit
Never too soon or too late to start being healthy.

Get Faith
Matthew 1:18-25 This is the birth of our savior story according to Matthew.  This is specifically about Mary being pregnant with the Holy child and Joseph being man enough to accept responsibility.  Of course they both had the encouragement of two angels that explained everything to them, but still.  The were unknowns, people of simple background called to perform a miraculous event.  I thank them for their strength and faith and accepting the call.  Do you think you could bare a child knowing what his life would hold for him?  Stand up for Jesus.

On this day
1980 I spent the day writing poetry.

1980 - General Antonio Ramlho Eanes was reelected president of Portugal. His right-wing opposition was thrown into disarray by the death of Premier Francisco Sa Carneiro in a plane crash. For as much history that Portugal has created, I don't know very much about them.  I do feel someone should write some poetry about it..... anyone?  (slow day)

I was at a funeral this morning and the oldest son gave the eulogy.  He went on quite a while about his relationship with his Dad.  I know, personally, that he gave his dad a hard time but his dad was always there for him.  They did some work for me, the father and the son.  They argued about how to do everything, but they got it done and it was a good job.  The son finished his long speech by reading a short poem that he had written for his dad, just this morning.  It was quite good and I had to cry knowing this hard core biker guy, ex addict  had poured out his heart in a poem.  It is cleansing to write a poem.  Try it.

Book Club  War and Peace by Tolstoy

Linz Austria  more background
Route of kingsThe Danube was no less than the "Route of Emperors and Kings". The Nibelungs, Roman em-perors and crusaders travelled it, as did King Louis VII of France and Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa with their entourage. In addition, the bridal journey of the Bavarian princess Sisi led from Straubing to Passau, Linz and Vienna, at the end of the 19th century. There, she became Empress Elisabeth of the Habsburgs' multinational state, also known as the Danube Monarchy, the hymn of which was sung in 11 languages. (german only)  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

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