Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29, 2016 Monday #Leapday#walk#believe#leapday#Scotsontherun#protectthechildren!

Get Fit

Get Faith
Colossians 2:6-7  Have you received Christ Jesus the Lord?  You may know the story of his Christmas birth and His Easter Death, but do you know what he means to you?  He is your brother, sent to earth by and of God to experience this human life, show you what true, unconditional love is and than died on the cross to redeem you from sin.  But wait!  There's more!  He came back to life, returned to earth, his disciples and family, showed up to let them know he conquered death and you can too.  Just by believing in Him.  God is great!

On this day
1996 -  I was looking for a leap day, one that was memorable, but I found this and all it said was - worked, called Jan and Nicole home.  So I'm reading into it.  Well I missed very little time from work at this job so it isn't surprising I worked.  My sister in law Jan stilled lived up here and we spent time together, so no surprise there.  Nicole was in college at Albion, this might have been winter or spring break?  but it was always good when she was home and probably the reason I called Jan.  Do I live in the past?  probably, but it reminds me to call people - like Jan today.

1288 - Scotland established this day as one when a woman could propose marriage to a man. In the event that he refused the proposal he was required to pay a fine. I will bet there were a lot of men hiding in moors on this day.

I watched the oscars last night and the winner of movie of the year was Spotlight.  I haven't seen it but know the subject matter as much as most people do.  When you raise your children in the church and something like this happens, not just in the Catholic church the thought is - well I'm not sending my kids to a place that doesn't practice what it preaches.  The Christian faith has taken a lot of hits for their disagreements with each other, their division in the churches, their inability to join in unconditional love with each other and protecting themselves by not being transparent.  No one in my family or people that I know have had children abused in the church, but it happens, just as it does in day care, schools, sport clubs etc.  We need to stand together in holding all venues that children are in to keep them safe.  

Nepal to the Sea of Okhotsk
Pick up some souvenirs on your trip to the airport because we are leaving Nepal for a cruise this next month.  I hope you enjoy the trip! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 28, 2016 Sunday #spirit#spreadthespirit#God'splan#dal-bhat-tarkari

Get Faith
Colossians 2:4-5  "I am saying this so that no one may deceive you with plausible arguments.  For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, and I rejoice to see your morale and the firmness of your faith in Christ."  This is about staying encouraged in your faith when you are outside of the church, or you are missing that person that has taught you faith.  Christ is with you in spirit.

On this day
1995 - It was the night before Ash Wednesday and I had suggested a play for the evening program.  There were four men to be disciples telling a story to start off the season of lent.  The men were a teenager, two middle age men and an elderly guy.  They came over to my house on this night to rehearse their parts.  It was well received and we did a few more plays after that.  It is what happens when a mixed generational group of people have the same interest in spreading the same message.

1995 - The Denver International Airport opened after a 16-month delay. Were there people standing in line all this time?  omigosh!

A friend of mine is a lay minister, which in this day is imperative to keeping some churches going.  With a shortage of pastors, someone has to fill in and my friend was one of them.  She had been serving at a small church that was failing and today was her last day.  This was a decision made by herself and the bishop.  Just as anything else like businesses etc. that go by the wayside, some churches big and small are doing the same.  Waynette and I went to support her on this her last day with them which resulted in a lot of tears and sad goodbyes.  God has another plan for her, I am sure.

Nepalese cuisine refers to the food eaten in Nepal. Nepal's cultural and geographic diversity has resulted in a variety of cuisines based upon ethnicityand on soil and climate.
dal-bhat-tarkari (Nepaliदाल भात तरकारी) is eaten throughout Nepal. Dal is a soup made of lentils and spices. This is served over boiled grain, bhat—usually rice but sometimes another grain—with vegetable curry, tarkari. Condiments are usually small amounts of extremely spicy chutney (चटनी) orpickle (achaar, अचार) which can be fresh or fermented. The variety of these is staggering, said to number in the thousands.[1] Other accompaniments may be sliced lemon (nibuwa) or lime (kagati) with fresh green chili (hariyo khursani). Dhindo is a traditional food of Nepal.
Much of the cuisine is variation on Asian themes. Other foods have hybrid Tibetan, Indian and Thai origins. Momo—Tibetan style dumplings with Nepali spices—are one of the most popular foods in Nepal. They were originally filled with buffalo meat but now also with goat or chicken, as well as vegetarian preparations. Special foods such as sel roti and patre are eaten during festivals such as Tihar. New food varieties have been introduced such as taas,[2] similar to shish kebab.
Contact with Europeans has introduced loaf breadcheesepastries and ice cream, as well as restaurants serving dishes like pizza, catering originally to tourists but increasingly to local people too.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Katelynn!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

February 27, 2016 Saturday #weightball#mystery#counseling#goodkids#nurture!

Get Fit
How about a weight workout today?
31 Amazing Medicine Ball Workouts You Need to Try #workout #fitness

Get Faith
Colossians 2:2-3  "I want their hearts to be encouraged and united in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God's mystery, that is Christ himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."  I love my faith and the strength it gives me and I am willing to share it with you.  Read the above again.  C'mon people this is not a well guarded secret - we all want you to have it - most of all God who has created it for you.

On this day
1990  I was working at church as outreach director, Sunday School Superintendent , etc.  Nicole was going to the co-op preschool there at church and all was well except my marriage.  I struggled to keep ends together.  Sometimes it became too much and I sat with Pastor Reckling and aired my trouble.  He was of course, biased but gave me sound advice in trying to keep my marriage together.  The clergy are sworn to secrecy as you probably know from TV.  lol.

1990 - The Exxon Corporation and Exxon Shipping were indicted on five criminal counts in reference to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.  No mystery here someone will have to answer to the creator for what they did here.

Truth and responsibility for your actions are so important to teach children.  I stayed in my marriage for 10 years because I was fearful of losing my stepson Aaron.  I wanted Nicole to have her brother as long as she could, and I of course loved Aaron as my own.  Aaron's mom and I were bound by our love for the kids and a mother bear mindset on them not acquiring their dad's bad habits.   Our kids are wonderful, both are truthful and responsible for their actions - the power and prayer of Moms.


The meaning of family varies from place to place and from culture to culture. One all-encompassing definition that describes every type of family across the board does not exist. For instance, in places like China children can be raised apart from their father and mother in a group of women, but still count themselves a family. Alan C. Acock in his book Family Diversity and Well Being states that a married couple with no children is not considered a family (122), but some married couples may contest this theory. In fact, there are more variations on modern family structure than ever before, including non-traditional families where grandparents raise their grandchildren, adoptive families, foster families, and blended families with children from two or more sets of parents (“Power Tools”). Despite the challenges faced by many families today, I believe that the children of the current generation—known as Generation Y—can thrive as long as they receive nurture and enrichment from their family members. As a member of Generation Y myself, I speak from first-hand experience. In the following paragraphs, I will give an account of my own upbringing in Nepal that led to my current status as a college student in the USA. I will also briefly describe family structures in America, and compare them to Nepali family structure. In the end, I propose that nurture is the key to producing well-adjusted children today, regardless of family type or where the children are raised.  Wow!  Great find for today's subject!  Read it all by going to Nepal Family.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary!

Friday, February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016 Friday#Pilates#

Get Fit
I passed on going out for Holy Yoga this morning and did some at home Pilates.  There are many videos you can follow - just set up your laptop and look for Pilates videos.  Great  for core strength.

Get Faith
Colossians 2:1  "For I want you to know how much I am struggling for you, and for those in Laodicea, and for all who have not seen me fact to face."  Let's change Laodicea to Flint.  Now read it again.  We do all need to confront injustice, just as St Paul did in his day.  Regardless of who was responsible, who dropped the ball the future is ahead and changes need to be made.  God gives you the ability to know right from wrong and he gives you the ability to forgive.  He gives us the knowledge of what needs to be done for his people that are wronged.  Repairs made at the expense of the city, county and state level and on going health coverage for all the people that were exposed and sickened, now and for all of their lives.  Start getting those resident names.

On this day
1988 - My friend Chris came over for dinner and then her and I went to my cousin Kathy V. for a silk flower party.  I'd love to have a day like that with them today!  They are both in Florida!

1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from the Island of Elba. He then began his second conquest of France. 
1848 - The second French Republic was proclaimed. Was this a 33 year war with Napoleon?  I need to brush up on my French history.

I always say I stayed home with my kids, but my journal says I kept up my social life.  I did have a lot of family to take care of them and they were very willing.  I do think it is important for parents to keep up their social life and keep in touch with friends.  It keeps you from becoming a bore with only your home and children to talk about - or worse television.  One of the things they mention for longevity is good social ties and activity.  Raising kids when you are socially active also encourages them to pick and be a good friend.  What do you think?

The Nepalese are conservative in most aspects of their lives and this is best seen in their behaviors, dress, and dining etiquette. They tend to dress and act conservatively, much of which is based on their deeply rooted Hindu and Buddhist faiths.
Most of Nepal's population is Hindu and according to Hinduism cattle are sacred so avoid eating beef, if you can even find it. Also be sure to eat only with your right hand as the left hand is considered unclean. Beyond these simple dining rules (see our Nepal Dining & Food Page for more details), just be conscious to avoid sensitive conversation topics, such as politics, finances, religion, and business unless initiated by your local counterpart. Also try to avoid being loud, rude, showing off wealth, or getting noticeably drunk in public. Good advice even if you aren't in Nepal.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 25, 2016 Thursday #letthesunshine#lettheSonshine#BobbyMoores#taxes#prayforfaith#tourKathmandu!

Get Fit
Do you suffer from lack of sunshine?  I get depressed if it is cold and dismal too many days in a row, like this week.  So I left some lights up from Christmas and turn lights on in the house to keep it brighter.  Yesterday I found a beam of sun coming in the kitchen window and stood with it on my face like a cat finds a sun spot to lay in.  I do have to go out and shovel and that might actually help or a trip to Florida.  I have also started taking D3 to help with the aching bones.  How are you today?

Get Faith
Colossians 1:28-29  "It is he whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.  For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me."  From the study writer - "Proclaiming Christ is a dangerous thing in many parts of the world today.  In some places, the danger is a matter of life and death."  And then this in prayer "Send your Spirit to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.  Amen"  I pray for the wealthy and comfortable - they don't feel they need to thank or praise or owe allegiance to God, even though they may believe in Him.  They don't need Him, but they will.  Love God above all things - the first commandment.

On this day
1985 - This is Andy and Alice's anniversary - 31 years today but in 1985 it was their first anniversary and they went to the place where we all had so many anniversaries of all different events.  Bobby Moore's was our favorite place back then and holds a lot of memories.  Happy Anniversary!

1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It authorized a graduated income tax. Which led to all the other amendments on how to get out of paying taxes.

Do you worry and pray for those you love?  On a regular basis?   I do and I know a lot of people that pray for me.  We pray for each other's health, happiness and welfare.  I am adding praying for my loved ones faith and I ask that you pray for mine.

Nepal - sightseeing

10 Things To Do In Kathmandu,Nepal -HD
There is a video of the 10 top things to see in Kathmandu - very interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy anniversary to Andy and Alice!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016 Wednesday #legworkout#mystery#callfamily#respectallpeople

Get Fit
Dancers legs workout, trying to strengthen for Holy yoga on Friday.  I do like to mix up and work out at different things all week.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:27 - The mystery of Christ in you.  "To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."  After all the years of the Israelites being the Lord's people, He has now included the Gentiles, the newly baptized into his holy people.  His love is to all people who want it.

On this day
1984  My soon to be husband, Mark, and I went to the Lido for dinner and then over to my Aunt Teresa's and Uncle Hank's.  It was probably to let them know we were getting married and maybe they hadn't even met him yet.  It was a whirlwind courtship.

Do you have that extended family - Aunts, Uncles, cousins etc that you consider in all your family events?  Aunt Teresa and Uncle Hank were my closest family.  Uncle Hank was also my Godfather, which was important to him and I.  We talked a lot.  They were always there for me.  I miss them. Make sure you call those you love.


As Christians we have a golden cow in our history.  I am appalled at people that damage or completely destroy art and artifacts of other countries and religions.  In embracing one another we can gain peace and understanding.
Pashupatinath Temple

Holiest Hindu Temple

by STN123 Written Jul 3, 2015
The temple located in the bank of Holy Bagmati river is a mostly visited holy temple of the world. It is the temple that have been restricted to non-Hindu tourists. The non-Hindu tourists can watch the temple from the main gate. They are not allowed to enter inside the gate. Anyway its worth watching...

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Eddie!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 23, 2016 Tuesday #busybody#eternal#unknown#acceptance#inclusion!

Get Fit
Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones

Article by at 2013-02-16 10:51:26 Categorized in Fitness, This is the video I try and do on occasion. Give it a try!

Get Faith
Colossians 1:25-26 "I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the world of God in its fullness - the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord's people." I believe that this is saying that the Son of God and the Spirit are as eternal as God. That would make sense, as we believe that they are God in one - the Triune God. I believe that God chose that night in Bethlehem to send the living God to earth and He was revealed at that time - but He had always been. And He always will be. Praise God.

On this day
1983 - Busy day for a Wednesday but then, I was only 36. I went to a wine tasting after work and then went to the bar with Andy and Alice to watch Alice shoot pool. It wasn't too long after this we all settled down.

1574 - France began the 5th holy war against the Huguenots. How can they use the words holy and war in the same sentence?  

A friend of mine recently asked me about my daughter Nicole.  She asked if Nicole had taken meds to become male.  The more you know the better understanding and acceptance you will have of these things.  I explained that Nicole was Lesbian, not transgendered and had not altered her physical self.  We discussed how well Nicole looks in the men's clothes she wears and I admitted she had good, and expensive taste in clothes.  She apologized if the subject was inappropriate.  I said I thought that people should be informed to be more comfortable as we move into wider acceptance.  

Nepal is the most open country in South Asia for LGBT rights and has recognized LGBT rights in higher standards. The Nepalese government, following the monarchy that ended in 2007, legalised homosexuality in 2007 along with the introduction of several new law sets.
A new Nepalese constitution, approved by the Constituent Assembly on 16 September 2015,[1] includes several provisions pertaining to the rights of LGBT people:[2]
  • the right to have their preferred gender display on their identity cards
  • a prohibition on discrimination by the State
  • eligibility for special protections that may be provided by law
  • substitution of gender-neutral terms for the previous "male", "female", "son", and "daughter"
  • the right of access to state process and public services for gender and sexual minorities
Based on the ruling of the Supreme Court of Nepal in late 2008, the government was looking into legalising same-sex marriage. According to several sources, the new constitution was expected to include it.[3][4] However, the new constitution appears not to address that topic explicitly.[2  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kris!

Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016 Monday #gravitydrop#Godhealus#Amway#popcorn#multimedia!

Get Fit
Gravity Drop - Stand with balls of feet on a 3" high block with feet shoulder width apart, toes straight ahead and heels on the floor.  Stick you chest out.  Feel the stretch in the back of your legs.  Hold this position for 30 seconds.  Repeat 3 times.

Get Faith
Suffering is what we hear a lot about during lent.  It is a time to "turn around and repent".  Look back at what you are doing and decide if it is doing you any good.  We all make mistakes and sin, all of us.  God gives us this time, this reminder, this lenten period to confess and be forgiven and to remember what the Easter story is about.  The writers prayer - God, heal us, be with us, give us courage.  Help us find you in unlikely places and difficult times.  Amen.

On this day
1979 - I went to my distributor to pick up an order and find out about new products.  I was selling Amway, which is still around, but I don't sell anymore.  They were good household cleaners and laundry products and really sold themselves.  I quite often held two jobs through all those years.  The boxes of laundry soap were 25 lbs - my back still remembers.

1630 - Quadequine introduced popcorn to English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner. Who doesn't like popcorn?  Thanks Quadequine!

Multi media is a wonderful thing, I think.  It gives me the opportunity to see what is going on in so many family, friends and old neighbors lives.  It keeps me in touch with people I would normally never hear from again.  This morning (and they are the best) baby pictures of neighbors grandchildren  people that moved away over 20 years ago.  You might have a lot of complaints about the content, but I love keeping up.

 Multi media in Nepal

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Samantha and Kristina!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

February 21, 2016 Sunday #Comebacks#SprechensieDeutsch?#American#Nepalese

Get Faith
Colossians 1:23b-24  St Paul, once Saul who persecuted Christians became the disciple that fought the hardest for our faith and our new church which is the body of Christ.  There are many stories of people that made tremendous comebacks from bad to exceptionally good.  When you understand how that happens you can understand why we celebrate Christ's suffering and death which became the glorious resurrection.

On this day
1977 - Mom and I were taking a German class.  It was probably the third time for me, but Mom used to speak German at home with her family.  After all she was born in Germany but still wanted to tune it up a little.  The problem is I never spoke it well enough for her to speak with me, so neither of us were fluent.  All those years she had a copy of the Lord's Prayer on her dresser in German under the glass.  She remembered that.

1804 - The first self-propelled locomotive on rails was demonstrated in Wales. Here you go Don!

What is your heritage?  Are both of your parents the same nationality?  My Mom was born in Germany and my Dad was born in England of Scottish parents that spent all of their life in Glasgow.  So when I was young we spent a lot of time with Mom's German cousins and friends, I identified with the Germans as a child but somewhere along the line I became a Scot.  Of course what I primarily am is American.  What about you, what do you celebrate?  St Patrick's day is coming when we are all Irish.

Nepal immigration
Nepal Immigration has been organized to regulate the movements of foreigners into, within and from Nepal. Similarly, the movements of Nepali national from and into Nepal are within its domain. The Department of Immigration (DOI) and Immigration Offices (IO) were established for the regulation of the movements of foreigners and Nepali nationals. These institutions are set up under the organizational hierarchy of the Ministry of Home Affairs/ Government of Nepal (GON).  


The Department of Immigration is located at the capital city Kathmandu of Nepal. One Immigration Office is located at Tribhuvan international Airport in Kathmandu and one is in Pokhara (Kaski). However, Six Immigration Offices are located at southern border point with India viz. Kakarbhitta (Jhapa), Birgunj(Parsa), Belhia (Bhairahawa), Nepalgunj (Banke), Gadda Chauki (Kailali) and Mehendranagar respectively from east to west of Nepal. Two Immigration Offices Tatopani (Sindhupalchowk) and Rashuwagadi (Rashuwa) are located at the northern border point with China. I wonder how many people immigrate to Nepal?  Beautiful country but not very prosperous.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016 Saturday #movenotrest#faithlife#8vs10#wine#mom#Nepalelderly

Get Fit
After that very strenuous (well for me) yoga class yesterday I decided to do light aerobics and weights today and now I feel better.  I don't think resting muscles is a good thing to do unless you have a strain.  Correct me if I am wrong.  Not you couch potatoes who think resting is the best thing to always do for your muscles.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:21-23a This is about reconciling yourself to death.  The writer talks about a man that lost his mother and can't come to grips with it.  He tries desperately to find faith so he can believe that he will see his mother again and be together.  This is where God comes in.  We need the Holy Spirit to be with us and strengthen our faith, to remind us that our Father sent His Son to us so that we can be reconciled to death.  Don't wait until the time is right - start reinforcing your faith by study and prayer now.  God has done the rest.

On this day
1976 - I was 29 and this was the first time I was going to try skiing.  There were ten of us, Pat & Pam, Bob & Alice, Molly & Gary, Mike & Michelle and Pete and I.  They were all seasoned skiers except Pete and I.  We had rented an 8 person chalet and went right to the pub when we got there. We had a good time at Boyne!

 1673 - The first recorded wine auction took place in London.  I can't imagine the wine they were selling either very good or very bad, what do you think?  I'm going to a wine tasting tonight - probably not the same.

The Bible study strikes home with me after just losing my Mom two months ago.  I miss her a lot.  She lived here with me for over 12 years and then last year in the hospital, rehab, nursing and then an assisted living place that she loved.  I took good care of her and am glad I did.  Not only am I am peace because I spent that time with her but because my faith is so strong that I trust entirely in God to care for her now.  She is in better hands.  Look after the people you love as God looks after you.

Nepal  Kind of long but worth the read.

Social Welfare Centre Elderly’s Home, Pashupatinah
Report by Mr. Udaya Lal Shrestha, General Secretary, ULBA-Youth Wing
March 2006
Social Welfare Centre Briddhashram is the only Elderly's Home operated by His Majesty's Government in the Kingdom Nepal. It was established in 1882 A.D and operated as being the Panchadeval Pakshala in the regime of His Majesty Surendra Vir Vikram Shah. Now at present it is being operated by the name of Social Welfare Centre Elderly's Home, Pashupati since 1977 A. D. The total sheltering capacity of this Elderly Home is 230 persons.

Criteria of entrance/description and procedures to have been submitted for getting the shelter in the Elderly's Home are:

- The Nepalese citizenship certificate of completion of the age of 65 years

- A clear recommendation letter from the concerned Village Development Committee or Municipality, stating that the person is orphan, helpless, poor and he has on body to take care of.

- The concerned person should submit an application to the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare requesting for permission to live in Elderly's Home.

- After application is approved, admission shall be made if there is vacancy.

- The services and facilities provided by this Elderly's Home is:

- Maintenance and housing provision

- Health care and sanitation provision

- Clothing provision twice a year

- Celebration of traditional festivals

- Pilgrimage provision from time to time

- Provision of singing the songs of pray and other religious programmes in every morning and evening

- Provision of funeral rites after death and death anniversary social tradition

If any organization or a person intends to assist this center in case of cash, it can be put into the saving account of Elderly's Home Welfare fund in Rastriya Banijya Bank, Gaushala, Kathmandu.

If somebody intends to provide voluntarily in kinds or any other commodities for the old people, the donor may provide by contacting the office chief. If any organization or a person intends to provide any kind of service (for example taking care of medicine and health check up, religious discourse etc.) he can provide by getting permission from the office chief.

Regarding the situation we, members of ULBA Youth Wing and United ULBA Free Clinic decided to offer some food and money to old people of Elderly's Home. We distributed two packets of Biscuits and NRs. 5/- each to whole 230 old people. It felt so good and peaceful to give something from your heart and we got many blessings from them, which were very precious to us. If given a chance to serve helpless people we will do more of these programmes. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Stephanie!

Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19, 2016 Friday #HolyYoga#newlife#RIPJim#Who?#Mom#Nepalhealth

Get Fit
I made it to the Holy Yoga class this morning.  It was wonderful!  It was the first time I had done yoga in a class setting, I always do it at home with a video - alone.  It was  great not to have to worry about the cat jumping me.  I think I will make it a regular thing.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:18 -" He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything."  This study writer mentions "the new birth which is death", I haven't heard that before that I remember.  But it is true.  Our death is a new birth into new life with Christ.  He has bought our place in heaven with his holy blood,

On this day
2015 - I have been over celebrating my birthdays for years.  Last year was no exception, but I got some very sad news last year on this day.  A guy, that I went to grade school with and had reunited with him and his wife recently, died on a cruise he and Cheryl were on.  I was very sad to get this news.  Rip Jim.

1864 - The Knights of Pythias was founded in Washington, DC. A dozen members formed what became Lodge No. 1. What is this and why is it important?

Whats in a name?  Mom is the best name, I think, but I'm guessing some children have grown up in situations where Mom is not a good name.  Imagine a child born, a perfect beautiful baby that us Mom's who love kids would swoon and coo over.  We would take every opportunity to spoil and care for that child in every way.  Now think of a Mom that is overcome with troubles, her own bad upbringing, drugs, poverty, bad health and mental problems and that child is a burden to her.  There are a lot of babies born into that situation, no fault of their own that need to grow up any way they can under the circumstances.  Adoption and Foster care have a lot of those babies looking for a "good" mom.  LSSM - check it out.


Nepal Family Health Program II

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. successfully implemented the Nepal Family Health Program II for the U.S. Agency for International Development from 2007 to 2012. For further information on project activites, visit the NFHP II page on

The public sector health care system in Nepal has the potential to provide quality primary health care throughout the nation. There are a number of obstacles, however: difficult terrain in the middle hills and mountain regions, inadequately trained and supervised staff, and a lack of consistent supplies of essential drugs, resources and equipment.
JSI has worked in Nepal since 1981 to assist the government in developing a functional health care system that integrates health services to meet people's needs. Under the USAID-funded Nepal Family Health Program II (NFHP II), JSI followed up its successful predecessor, the Nepal Family Health Program, to improve the delivery and use of basic public sector family planning, maternal, newborn, child health, and literacy/life skills services, in a manner that builds local capacity and encourages stakeholder collaboration. Working with government and NGO partners at national and district levels, NFHP II worked to improve policy and strengthen leadership and management capacity; improve service delivery; spearhead innovative approaches in community-based maternal and neonatal care, including nutrition; and increase community participation in health decisions and activities. Learn more…
Thanka image

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bob!  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016 Thursday #walk#together#friends#mission#visitNepal

Get Fit
Walking is still the best thing you can do from everything I hear.  I was reading a Tom Hughes's blog about how you get your exercise walking around looking for all the things you have misplaced or forgetting why you went there.  Then of course when you start dropping things, you get those knee bends, squats and back bends in.  God provides.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:17  "He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together."  I pray for a day when all people of all races, nationalities and faiths can live together in peace.  We somehow can only see the differences that set us apart and not the oneness we have with creation as God's children.  Too bad we can't get that love for one another thing right as he taught us.

On this day
2010  Was a busy day!  Don came over and put a handrail up on a short stairway for Mom and then we went out to Milne's Ford and he bought a brand new pick up truck from them.  Then we drove over to Royal Oak and met Jim and Cheryl and Sandy and Dave at Mr. B's for dinner.  Oh to be young again.  lol

Do you always have a mission?  Maybe it's to find a mate, find a home, raise those kids or have a successful career.  I almost always have had to have an additional "mission" going on.  I am in search for what I know is coming.  I feel unproductive in the "mission" category.  My past missions have been - writing to guys in Vietnam, serving at a group home for impaired, acting as a volunteer probation officer for the city,  writing a newsletter for an offshore racing club, then - Softball coach, Sunday School, youth group, Mom and Dad's club - elder care, etc.  I have a couple ideas, any suggestions?


Pashupati Nath Temple
Krishna Mandir

Places of Interest of Nepal

    The Kathmandu Valley has a traditional as well as modern setting. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the
    Valley consists of three cities of historic, cultural and political importance - Kantipur, Lalitpur (Patan) and Bhaktapur
     (Bhadgaon). Covering an area of 218 sq. kms, the Kathmandu Valley is situated at 1136m above sea level. A
     bird's eye view of the Capital features the city as an oval shape with the sacred river Bagmati and its tributary 
    Bishnumati wedding towards the south. Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is named after Kasthamandap, an 
    imposing pagoda near Hanuman Dhoka Palace. It is believed that King Gunakama Dev built the city in 723 A.D. 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Wednesday, February 17, 2016

    February 17, 2016 Wednesday #motivated!#immenensity#celebrate#relative#Maoistguerrillas.

    Get Fit
    Arms. legs and abs with the resistance ring.  They call it Pilates, it isn't really.  But it is something to do.  She does say to stay motivated!  I do  too!

    Get Faith
    Colossians 1:15-16  God created His son in His image and has given all of creation and power over to Him.  We as brothers and sisters of Christ are invited to join in the joy and salvation that His life bought us.  From the beginning of time to the end, from one end of the universe to the other is God.  His being and immense love is over and around us all.  "God, may the wonder of the night sky humble our hearts and move us to joy and praise. Amen." God is Great!

    On this day
    2007 - It was my 60th birthday and Nicole and I went to Tully's for a dinner with friends from church.  It was a thing called dinner for six and we did that for a few years, designed to have people know each other better.  After a while it is all the same people and we know each other pretty well, I voted to keep it but it slipped silently away.  Nicole and I also went to a surprise birthday party for my niece Merri at her friends house.  It was her 30th.  Ah.... I remember those days!

    1801 - The U.S. House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Jefferson was elected president and Burr became vice president. Think about this in terms of todays election ?  Eoweee.

    It is all relative.  I was 30 when my niece Merri was  born.  It didn't seem to bad then, but I was 38 when my daughter was born.  Now it seems like a lot of time.  A lady at church today told me her "baby" was 59 today.  It is all relative.  Enjoy all of your years.!

    King Gyanendra Asserts Control over the Government
    King Gyanendra dismissed the government in Oct. 2002, calling it corrupt and ineffective. He declared a state of emergency in November and ordered the army to crack down on the Maoist guerrillas. The rebels intensified their campaign, and the government responded with equal intensity, killing hundreds of Maoists, the largest toll since the insurgency began in 1996. In Aug. 2003, the Maoist rebels withdrew from peace talks with the government and ended a cease-fire that had been signed in Jan. 2003. The following August, the rebels blockaded Kathmandu for a week, cutting off shipments of food and fuel to the capital.  Like all countries war mongers.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to me! and Michael!

    Tuesday, February 16, 2016

    February 16, 2016 Tuesday #lessstress#lessstress#churchfood#nohockey#lessstress#Nepalintrique!

    Get Fit
    Started the day with a weight lifting program, I use light weights 3 or 5 pounds depending on the workout.  My upper back is strong, my chiropractor says its stress. Idk.  Anyway find a suggested program on  line or video or get to the gym today!  build those muscles for whats ahead.

    Get Faith
    Colossians 1:13-14  "He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."  Pray - God, open our ears to hear the truth that we are your beloved.  Amen.  It is Lent return to God and be loved.

    On this day
    2005 - It had the makings of a terrible day with rain/snow mix and the boss was in a "terrible mood". But I got through the day and went to church with my friends to make dinner.  We always have lunch and dinner on Wednesdays during Lent.  Now this might seem like another "oh more work", but if you enjoy the company of your friends, the smell of food cooking and the happy people that come to the meal, it was a perfect end to a not so great day.

    2005 - The NHL announced the cancellation of the 2004-2005 season due to a labor dispute. It was the first time a major sports league in North America lost an entire season to a labor dispute. Remember this?  It was horrible - all those men throwing tantrums!  and women.

    People call me the church lady, well, not so much anymore.  I now find it more rewarding to visit other churches and not be too cornered in my own world - where it was very comfortable btw.  Nicole and I always loved the lenten dinners and the mid week services.  We have a lot of good friends at church, now churches, and enjoy their company as much as we do our non church friends.  The bonus to seeing friends at church is that there is little competition, more shared beliefs and less divisiveness.  We may not have the same opinions - but church is not a place to air any laundry.  The kids in youth group used to say they didn't feel they were in competition with their church friends, they all felt equal and less peer pressure when in youth group.  You figure it out.

    The Independence of Nepal and the First Free Election
    In 1923, Britain recognized the absolute independence of Nepal. Between 1846 and 1951, the country was ruled by the Rana family, which always held the office of prime minister. In 1951, however, the king took over all power and proclaimed a constitutional monarchy. Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah became king in 1955. After Mahendra died of a heart attack in 1972, Prince Birendra, at 26, succeeded to the throne.
    In 1990, a pro-democracy movement forced King Birendra to lift the ban on political parties. The first free election in three decades provided a victory for the liberal Nepali Congress Party in 1991, although the Communists made a strong showing. A small but growing Maoist guerrilla movement, seeking to overthrow the constitutional monarchy and install a Communist government, began operating in the countryside in 1996.
    On June 1, 2001, King Birendra was shot and killed by his son, Crown Prince Dipendra. Angered by his family's disapproval of his choice of a bride, the crown prince also killed his mother and several other members of the royal family before shooting himself. Prince Gyanendra, the younger brother of King Birendra, was then crowned king.  Nepal is not without drama and violence!  Interesting!
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ed and Dave!

    Monday, February 15, 2016

    February 15, 2016 Monday #Pilatescorestrength#Godstrength#femalstrength#healthystrength!Bestrong!

    Get fit
    Try some Pilates!  There is a Pilates place next to my favorite bagel store but I do mine with videos.  There are a bunch you can watch on your TV, laptop etc. or pick up a Gaiam video at most stores.

    Get Faith
    Colossians 1:11-12  This speaks of the strength that we get from God to manage everyday, love and believe in the power He gives us to bear fruit in every good work and as your grow in the knowledge of God.  This  power comes from having a closer relationship with Him through prayer and study.  It is the power that the strongest people have to get through life, not super heroes, men and women like you and I.  Thank you God for the gift of your power.

    On this day
    2004 - For years I had abdominal pain. since in my 20's.  It was never diagnosed and I just figured it was indigestion or something I ate.  It wasn't something I wanted to go in for tests so I continued on for 40-50 years, suffering but going about life.  On this day I had gone to church, had dinner with Mom and Nicole, which I probably cooked and then went to church council.  It didn't stop me from living my everyday life and I can't tell you how many times I prayed for it to be gone.  I later found out it was Diverticulitis and IBS.

    1879 - U.S. President Hayes signed a bill that allowed female attorneys to argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Good for President Hayes, he knew how good arguers women were!

    That strength I was talking about earlier is the same strength many/most people use to get by everyday.  I would like to pass on the knowledge of being stress free, which is probably the biggest health problem we have to my daughter, to eat right and exercise and drink a lot of water.  I always looked good, and I always completed tasks - but I sure could have felt better.  It is the courage and determination we have in life to live happy.  Fortunately Nicole has the knowledge of where to go for that strength and power we claim from God.


    What are some interesting facts about Nepal's topography?



    The variety in elevation, the world's highest mountains and the earthquake-prone zone are interesting facts about Nepal's topography.The landlocked country has great plains and high mountains as well as valleys. On the border with Tibet, Nepal has eight of the world's highest mountains. It is one of the areas in the world that is most vulnerable to earthquakes.
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

    Sunday, February 14, 2016

    February 14, 2016 Sunday #ValentinesDay!#Lovetheearth#loveGod#lovePicasso#loveeveryone#Nepalfamilylove


    Happy Valentines day from God!  All of his creation for you!

    Get Faith
    Colossians 1:9-10  I pray daily for my family and friends and everyone on the earth.  I pray for your health and well being because I love all of you.  I love the earth and the wonderful diversity of all of His creation, it is awesome.  God is my true Valentine - "This is the deep desire of your heart, your holy dream, and today my great joy, the fruit of knowing you."  My dearest God.

    On this day
    2003  It was a Friday and after work and school, Mom, Nicole, Craig and I packed up and drove to Roscommon to spend the weekend with Andy and Alice for Winterfest.  It was REAL cold up there but we were undaunted then.  Craig and Nicole played euchre every night with them.

    2003 - In Madrid, Spain, a ceramic plate with a bullfighting motif painted by Pablo Picasso in 1949 was stolen from an art show. The plate was on sale for $12,400. Wow, great Valentine gift!

    My favorite valentines memories are the boxes or sacks we decorated in school and everyone would give everyone a valentine card they had brought from home, hand made or store bought and labored over to decide who got which card.  You knew by the card how much someone liked you.  My mother talked often about a girl that gave her a valentine card that I thought she misread, but she said she never talked to the girl after that.  I remember years of cards,gifts and flowers from loved ones and baking cakes and cookies for all the guys at the shops I worked at and heart shaped pizzas.  The best love is the comfortable love you have with family and friends that you share everyday, I think.  Happy Valentines, and if you have a special Valentine - enjoy that!


    The meaning of family varies from place to place and from culture to culture. One all-encompassing definition that describes every type of family across the board does not exist. For instance, in places like China children can be raised apart from their father and mother in a group of women, but still count themselves a family. Alan C. Acock in his book Family Diversity and Well Being states that a married couple with no children is not considered a family (122), but some married couples may contest this theory. In fact, there are more variations on modern family structure than ever before, including non-traditional families where grandparents raise their grandchildren, adoptive families, foster families, and blended families with children from two or more sets of parents (“Power Tools”). Despite the challenges faced by many families today, I believe that the children of the current generation—known as Generation Y—can thrive as long as they receive nurture and enrichment from their family members. As a member of Generation Y myself, I speak from first-hand experience. In the following paragraphs, I will give an account of my own upbringing in Nepal that led to my current status as a college student in the USA. I will also briefly describe family structures in America, and compare them to Nepali family structure. In the end, I propose that nurture is the key to producing well-adjusted children today, regardless of family type or where the children are raised. 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday ! Sue, Jacki, Shane!

    Saturday, February 13, 2016

    February 13, 2016 Saturday #workouthearts!#sharefaiath#gameday#warmhearts#Indrafrom?

    Get Fit
    I did dancers legs workout today.  All about the legs and no wonder mine ache all the time.  I did see a site on google that suggested because it is Valentine weekend that you workout with your sweetie!  Awww - stay strong so you can spend lots of years together.

    Get Faith
    Colossians 1:7-8   The early Christians celebrated those among them that shared the Gospel and had the Holy Spirit in their heart.  God our Father, the creator, Jesus is our brother who sacrificed himself for us in love and the Spirit that enters into life with us  at our baptism, who creates in us the love and compassion we have for one another.  "Stir us to live for others, God, sharing the love your Spirit stirs in our hearts.  Amen." Our Triune God.  Recognize and thank those who help your faith grow.

    On this day
    1997 - We went to my brothers to celebrate my niece Merri's birthday, she turned 20.  But you always show up for family birthdays!  We played a game called Songburst, it was a lot of fun for a family that enjoys music as much as we do.

    1997 - The Dow Jones industrial average passed the 7,000 mark for the first time. The day ended at 7,022.44. The good old days!

    With Michigan weather reminding us it's winter - I, personally like to stay in.  Last night Nicole and Craig had dinner with me and then headed out to a local pub.  It must have been slow they were back in no time.  Nicole brought out the game of Scrabble and we played a game, she beat me.  So get your valentine, settle in with a bottle of wine and a good board or card game and enjoy.  Chris how did that game go we played up at your place this past summer?



    Sculpture of the Vedic god Indrafrom Nepal
    Neolithic tools found in the Kathmandu Valley indicate that people have been living in the Himalayan region for at least eleven thousand years.[30] The oldest population layer is believed to be represented by the Kusunda people.[31]
    Nepal is first mentioned in the late Vedic Atharvaveda Pariśiṣṭa as a place exporting blankets and in the post-VedicAtharvashirsha Upanishad.[32] In Samudragupta's Allahabad Pillar it is mentioned as a bordering country. The Skanda Purana has a separate chapter known as "Nepal Mahatmya" that explains in more details about the beauty and power of Nepal.[33] Nepal is also mentioned in Hindu texts such as the Narayana Puja.[32]
    Tibeto-Burman-speaking people probably lived in Nepal 2500 years ago.[34] However, there is no archaeologic evidence of the Gopal Bansa or Kirati rulers, only mention by the later Licchavi and Malla eras.[35]
    Around 500 BCE, small kingdoms and confederations of clans arose in the southern regions of Nepal. From one of these, the Shakya polity, arose a prince who later renounced his status to lead an ascetic life, founded Buddhism, and came to be known as Gautama Buddha (traditionally dated 563–483 BCE).
    By 250 BCE, the southern regions came under the influence of the Maurya Empire of North India and parts of Nepal later on became a nominal vassal state under the Gupta Empire in the fourth century CE. Beginning in the third century CE, the Licchavi Kingdom governed the Kathmandu Valley and the region surrounding central Nepal.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Reggie, Alisha and Joe!