Friday, February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016 Friday#Pilates#

Get Fit
I passed on going out for Holy Yoga this morning and did some at home Pilates.  There are many videos you can follow - just set up your laptop and look for Pilates videos.  Great  for core strength.

Get Faith
Colossians 2:1  "For I want you to know how much I am struggling for you, and for those in Laodicea, and for all who have not seen me fact to face."  Let's change Laodicea to Flint.  Now read it again.  We do all need to confront injustice, just as St Paul did in his day.  Regardless of who was responsible, who dropped the ball the future is ahead and changes need to be made.  God gives you the ability to know right from wrong and he gives you the ability to forgive.  He gives us the knowledge of what needs to be done for his people that are wronged.  Repairs made at the expense of the city, county and state level and on going health coverage for all the people that were exposed and sickened, now and for all of their lives.  Start getting those resident names.

On this day
1988 - My friend Chris came over for dinner and then her and I went to my cousin Kathy V. for a silk flower party.  I'd love to have a day like that with them today!  They are both in Florida!

1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from the Island of Elba. He then began his second conquest of France. 
1848 - The second French Republic was proclaimed. Was this a 33 year war with Napoleon?  I need to brush up on my French history.

I always say I stayed home with my kids, but my journal says I kept up my social life.  I did have a lot of family to take care of them and they were very willing.  I do think it is important for parents to keep up their social life and keep in touch with friends.  It keeps you from becoming a bore with only your home and children to talk about - or worse television.  One of the things they mention for longevity is good social ties and activity.  Raising kids when you are socially active also encourages them to pick and be a good friend.  What do you think?

The Nepalese are conservative in most aspects of their lives and this is best seen in their behaviors, dress, and dining etiquette. They tend to dress and act conservatively, much of which is based on their deeply rooted Hindu and Buddhist faiths.
Most of Nepal's population is Hindu and according to Hinduism cattle are sacred so avoid eating beef, if you can even find it. Also be sure to eat only with your right hand as the left hand is considered unclean. Beyond these simple dining rules (see our Nepal Dining & Food Page for more details), just be conscious to avoid sensitive conversation topics, such as politics, finances, religion, and business unless initiated by your local counterpart. Also try to avoid being loud, rude, showing off wealth, or getting noticeably drunk in public. Good advice even if you aren't in Nepal.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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