Thursday, February 11, 2016

February 11, 2016 Thursday #makeitahabit#makeloveahabit#shovelMichigan#nonotes#warmpool!

Get Fit
I did about 10 minutes with Jillian - still favoring the back.  I am going to try doing more this afternoon to get back up again.  My advice is, be kind to yourself but don't let yourself off the hook.  The today show was talking about the 30 day challenge that is popular right now and how easy it is to fail.  If you set an time everyday to do "something" it will become habit after awhile.  I guess that is what has kept me going for 20 years - its a habit.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:3-5a  I thought of the song they sing "And they know we are Christians by our love"  That is who Christians are supposed to be.  Filled with love from a God who IS love and His son sent to us to show us love and teach us love.  Love for all of creation and for one another. The study writer posts this by Jurgen Moltmann from The Source of Life - "God is waiting for the homecoming of those he has created"  That is all people.  No one is homeless with God.

On this day
1988 - Ah, Michigan.  We had a big snow but my friend Chris was in the Bahamas so I had to drop Nicole (3) at Mom's and go to work.  When I got home Uncle Marty and I shoveled snow.  The boat show was on (of course) so Mark got out of shoveling - again.  Nicole played in the snow with Joey and then Joey (5) stayed for dinner, as usual.  Just a regular winter day in Michigan.

1752 - The Pennsylvania Hospital opened as the very first hospital in America. It probably catered to all the people who hurt their backs shoveling snow this time of year.

In church last night, Ash Wednesday so there was a good number of us despite the snow storm.  All the middle school kids were there, because, they have to take sermon notes during lent.  I noticed the young man sitting in front of me, filled out his before the service even started.  I would LOVE to read it.  lol.

/hotel-shanker/hotel/kathmandu-np.html?asq=jGXBHFvRg5Z51Emf%2fbXG4w%3d%3d Hotel Shanker - let's go here!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Merri!

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