Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016 Wednesday #legworkout#mystery#callfamily#respectallpeople

Get Fit
Dancers legs workout, trying to strengthen for Holy yoga on Friday.  I do like to mix up and work out at different things all week.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:27 - The mystery of Christ in you.  "To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."  After all the years of the Israelites being the Lord's people, He has now included the Gentiles, the newly baptized into his holy people.  His love is to all people who want it.

On this day
1984  My soon to be husband, Mark, and I went to the Lido for dinner and then over to my Aunt Teresa's and Uncle Hank's.  It was probably to let them know we were getting married and maybe they hadn't even met him yet.  It was a whirlwind courtship.

Do you have that extended family - Aunts, Uncles, cousins etc that you consider in all your family events?  Aunt Teresa and Uncle Hank were my closest family.  Uncle Hank was also my Godfather, which was important to him and I.  We talked a lot.  They were always there for me.  I miss them. Make sure you call those you love.


As Christians we have a golden cow in our history.  I am appalled at people that damage or completely destroy art and artifacts of other countries and religions.  In embracing one another we can gain peace and understanding.
Pashupatinath Temple

Holiest Hindu Temple

by STN123 Written Jul 3, 2015
The temple located in the bank of Holy Bagmati river is a mostly visited holy temple of the world. It is the temple that have been restricted to non-Hindu tourists. The non-Hindu tourists can watch the temple from the main gate. They are not allowed to enter inside the gate. Anyway its worth watching...

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Eddie!

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