Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8, 2016 Monday #youexercise#helpfromabove#Petersfurnace#reservation#feedthecritters#democracy!

Get Fit
These are the days I warn others about.  My get up and go got up and went.  Guys here at 7:30 am to put in furnace and I need to get to the chiropractor.

Get Faith
Psalm 35  This reading is of King David, chosen by the Lord.  All I can think is that it is tough at the top.  Very often David feels put upon and threatened by others and pleads with God to help him win over his enemies.  We all have those days when we feel everyone is against us, I do think it eases up as you get older, but we can all still go to God for help and remember - "My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long."  Thank Him.

On this day
1977 - The important thing that happened on this day is that the lady I bought from accepted my offer on this house.  Many would say it was my demise, but here I am 39 years later.  As I write this 3 men are in my house replacing the furnace that Pete put in that year. I was also seeing a social worker later that day in regards to help for my brother Mark.  I don't remember that going very well.  I still wish I had taken a longer look at the length of the driveway, of course at 30 I could shovel easier.

1861 - A Cheyenne delegation and some Arapaho leaders accepted a new settlement (Treaty of Fort Wise) with the U.S. Federal government. The deal ceded most of their land but secured a 600-square mile reservation and annuity payments. Lucky them - I thought the whole country was theirs to start with. huh.

Pete is not around (rip) anymore to know of any of this, but he is certainly thought of today.  I have to give him credit, I don't remember his having any help with the furnace, but there are three guys here taking it out.  Hopefully all animal access ways will be closed when they are done.  You don't forget that moment when you go into the utility room and your cat and dog are watching a baby opposum sitting and eating a dog biscuit. (I didn't give it to him).  Fun days.

On September 20, 2015, a new constitution (Nepaliनेपालको संविधान २०७२) was announced by President Ram Baran Yadav in the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly was transformed into a legislative parliament. The new constitution established Nepal as a federal democratic country by making seven unnamed states.[15][16][17][18]
Nepal is a developing country with a low income economy, ranking 145th of 187 countries on the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2014. It continues to struggle with high levels of hunger and poverty. Despite these challenges, Nepal has been making steady progress, with the government making a commitment to graduate the nation from least developed country status by 2022.[19][20]
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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