Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22, 2016 Monday #gravitydrop#Godhealus#Amway#popcorn#multimedia!

Get Fit
Gravity Drop - Stand with balls of feet on a 3" high block with feet shoulder width apart, toes straight ahead and heels on the floor.  Stick you chest out.  Feel the stretch in the back of your legs.  Hold this position for 30 seconds.  Repeat 3 times.

Get Faith
Suffering is what we hear a lot about during lent.  It is a time to "turn around and repent".  Look back at what you are doing and decide if it is doing you any good.  We all make mistakes and sin, all of us.  God gives us this time, this reminder, this lenten period to confess and be forgiven and to remember what the Easter story is about.  The writers prayer - God, heal us, be with us, give us courage.  Help us find you in unlikely places and difficult times.  Amen.

On this day
1979 - I went to my distributor to pick up an order and find out about new products.  I was selling Amway, which is still around, but I don't sell anymore.  They were good household cleaners and laundry products and really sold themselves.  I quite often held two jobs through all those years.  The boxes of laundry soap were 25 lbs - my back still remembers.

1630 - Quadequine introduced popcorn to English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner. Who doesn't like popcorn?  Thanks Quadequine!

Multi media is a wonderful thing, I think.  It gives me the opportunity to see what is going on in so many family, friends and old neighbors lives.  It keeps me in touch with people I would normally never hear from again.  This morning (and they are the best) baby pictures of neighbors grandchildren  people that moved away over 20 years ago.  You might have a lot of complaints about the content, but I love keeping up.

 Multi media in Nepal

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Samantha and Kristina!

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