Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016 Wednesday - Ash Wednesday #Lent#vacation#FRenchCanadian#churchdinner#Nepalreligion

Get Fit
I did some country line dancing this morning - good for everything including your sense of humor.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:1-2  The greeting between faithful Christians that you never hear spoken, except in church. "Grace and peace to your from God our Father."  Ash Wednesday starts a 6 week period, plus Holy Week when we are waiting for the big event.  The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  While we are looking back at ourselves during this time, looking for forgiveness and healing, and how we can become a better person, the anticipation grows for the end result - the resurrection.  The study writer today said this "I know only that you are the Mystery of this Love who seeks me in every face I see and every place I go.  So let the journey begin.  I carry no bag, only a heart filled with hope."  Bearing Fruit - Devotions for Lent 2016 is where I will be reading from during this time.  I hope you enjoy it.

On this day
1983 -  I went down to Florida for a week, all by myself to soak up some sun.  I stayed with my cousin Peggy her husband Keith and their two kids, David and Christine.  Christine was just a baby, maybe 8 months or so.  Peggy and Keith both worked and David was in school, Christine to a daycare so I was mostly on my own.  Peggy's mom and dad, my Aunt Margaret and Uncle Don picked me up and took me to lunch, long drives and told me old stories about my dad, which was wonderful.  It was different from any vacation I had ever taken as I was on my own most of the time, and I liked it.  Peggy, David, Aunt Margaret and Uncle Don are all gone now so it makes these memories even sweeter.

1763 - The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. In the treaty France ceded Canada to England. Something I think they still regret - especially those in Quebec.

Lent a time of turning around and repenting of your sins.  I have most often gone to church on Ash Wednesday, even during those years when I didn't attend church regularly.  Tonight my daughter will go to another church then I, but we will both go.  Our churches do lenten dinners, or bread and soup dinners to help our church families gather in faith for this time of the church.  I am just truly glad my daughter in her work will probably always be drawn back into the many church families that she has.

The first civilizations in Nepal, which flourished around the 6th century B.C. , were confined to the fertile Kathmandu Valley where the present-day capital of the same name is located. It was in this region that Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born c. 563 B.C. Gautama achieved enlightenment as Buddha and spawned Buddhism.
Nepali rulers' early patronage of Buddhism largely gave way to Hinduism, reflecting the increased influence of India, around the 12th century. Though the successive dynasties of the Gopalas, the Kiratis, and the Licchavis expanded their rule, it was not until the reign of the Malla kings from 1200–1769 that Nepal assumed the approximate dimensions of the modern state.
The kingdom of Nepal was unified in 1768 by King Prithvi Narayan Shah, who had fled India following the Moghul conquests of the subcontinent. Under Shah and his successors, Nepal's borders expanded as far west as Kashmir and as far east as Sikkim (now part of India). A commercial treaty was signed with Britain in 1792 and again in 1816 after more than a year of hostilities with the British East India Company.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  

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