Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016 Tuesday #lessstress#lessstress#churchfood#nohockey#lessstress#Nepalintrique!

Get Fit
Started the day with a weight lifting program, I use light weights 3 or 5 pounds depending on the workout.  My upper back is strong, my chiropractor says its stress. Idk.  Anyway find a suggested program on  line or video or get to the gym today!  build those muscles for whats ahead.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:13-14  "He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."  Pray - God, open our ears to hear the truth that we are your beloved.  Amen.  It is Lent return to God and be loved.

On this day
2005 - It had the makings of a terrible day with rain/snow mix and the boss was in a "terrible mood". But I got through the day and went to church with my friends to make dinner.  We always have lunch and dinner on Wednesdays during Lent.  Now this might seem like another "oh more work", but if you enjoy the company of your friends, the smell of food cooking and the happy people that come to the meal, it was a perfect end to a not so great day.

2005 - The NHL announced the cancellation of the 2004-2005 season due to a labor dispute. It was the first time a major sports league in North America lost an entire season to a labor dispute. Remember this?  It was horrible - all those men throwing tantrums!  and women.

People call me the church lady, well, not so much anymore.  I now find it more rewarding to visit other churches and not be too cornered in my own world - where it was very comfortable btw.  Nicole and I always loved the lenten dinners and the mid week services.  We have a lot of good friends at church, now churches, and enjoy their company as much as we do our non church friends.  The bonus to seeing friends at church is that there is little competition, more shared beliefs and less divisiveness.  We may not have the same opinions - but church is not a place to air any laundry.  The kids in youth group used to say they didn't feel they were in competition with their church friends, they all felt equal and less peer pressure when in youth group.  You figure it out.

The Independence of Nepal and the First Free Election
In 1923, Britain recognized the absolute independence of Nepal. Between 1846 and 1951, the country was ruled by the Rana family, which always held the office of prime minister. In 1951, however, the king took over all power and proclaimed a constitutional monarchy. Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah became king in 1955. After Mahendra died of a heart attack in 1972, Prince Birendra, at 26, succeeded to the throne.
In 1990, a pro-democracy movement forced King Birendra to lift the ban on political parties. The first free election in three decades provided a victory for the liberal Nepali Congress Party in 1991, although the Communists made a strong showing. A small but growing Maoist guerrilla movement, seeking to overthrow the constitutional monarchy and install a Communist government, began operating in the countryside in 1996.
On June 1, 2001, King Birendra was shot and killed by his son, Crown Prince Dipendra. Angered by his family's disapproval of his choice of a bride, the crown prince also killed his mother and several other members of the royal family before shooting himself. Prince Gyanendra, the younger brother of King Birendra, was then crowned king.  Nepal is not without drama and violence!  Interesting!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ed and Dave!

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