Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 23, 2016 Tuesday #busybody#eternal#unknown#acceptance#inclusion!

Get Fit
Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones

Article by at 2013-02-16 10:51:26 Categorized in Fitness,
http://busybodyexercise.com/blog/jillian-michaels-no-more-trouble-zones/ This is the video I try and do on occasion. Give it a try!

Get Faith
Colossians 1:25-26 "I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the world of God in its fullness - the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord's people." I believe that this is saying that the Son of God and the Spirit are as eternal as God. That would make sense, as we believe that they are God in one - the Triune God. I believe that God chose that night in Bethlehem to send the living God to earth and He was revealed at that time - but He had always been. And He always will be. Praise God.

On this day
1983 - Busy day for a Wednesday but then, I was only 36. I went to a wine tasting after work and then went to the bar with Andy and Alice to watch Alice shoot pool. It wasn't too long after this we all settled down.

1574 - France began the 5th holy war against the Huguenots. How can they use the words holy and war in the same sentence?  

A friend of mine recently asked me about my daughter Nicole.  She asked if Nicole had taken meds to become male.  The more you know the better understanding and acceptance you will have of these things.  I explained that Nicole was Lesbian, not transgendered and had not altered her physical self.  We discussed how well Nicole looks in the men's clothes she wears and I admitted she had good, and expensive taste in clothes.  She apologized if the subject was inappropriate.  I said I thought that people should be informed to be more comfortable as we move into wider acceptance.  

Nepal is the most open country in South Asia for LGBT rights and has recognized LGBT rights in higher standards. The Nepalese government, following the monarchy that ended in 2007, legalised homosexuality in 2007 along with the introduction of several new law sets.
A new Nepalese constitution, approved by the Constituent Assembly on 16 September 2015,[1] includes several provisions pertaining to the rights of LGBT people:[2]
  • the right to have their preferred gender display on their identity cards
  • a prohibition on discrimination by the State
  • eligibility for special protections that may be provided by law
  • substitution of gender-neutral terms for the previous "male", "female", "son", and "daughter"
  • the right of access to state process and public services for gender and sexual minorities
Based on the ruling of the Supreme Court of Nepal in late 2008, the government was looking into legalising same-sex marriage. According to several sources, the new constitution was expected to include it.[3][4] However, the new constitution appears not to address that topic explicitly.[2  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kris!

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