Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15, 2016 Monday #Pilatescorestrength#Godstrength#femalstrength#healthystrength!Bestrong!

Get fit
Try some Pilates!  There is a Pilates place next to my favorite bagel store but I do mine with videos.  There are a bunch you can watch on your TV, laptop etc. or pick up a Gaiam video at most stores.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:11-12  This speaks of the strength that we get from God to manage everyday, love and believe in the power He gives us to bear fruit in every good work and as your grow in the knowledge of God.  This  power comes from having a closer relationship with Him through prayer and study.  It is the power that the strongest people have to get through life, not super heroes, men and women like you and I.  Thank you God for the gift of your power.

On this day
2004 - For years I had abdominal pain. since in my 20's.  It was never diagnosed and I just figured it was indigestion or something I ate.  It wasn't something I wanted to go in for tests so I continued on for 40-50 years, suffering but going about life.  On this day I had gone to church, had dinner with Mom and Nicole, which I probably cooked and then went to church council.  It didn't stop me from living my everyday life and I can't tell you how many times I prayed for it to be gone.  I later found out it was Diverticulitis and IBS.

1879 - U.S. President Hayes signed a bill that allowed female attorneys to argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Good for President Hayes, he knew how good arguers women were!

That strength I was talking about earlier is the same strength many/most people use to get by everyday.  I would like to pass on the knowledge of being stress free, which is probably the biggest health problem we have to my daughter, to eat right and exercise and drink a lot of water.  I always looked good, and I always completed tasks - but I sure could have felt better.  It is the courage and determination we have in life to live happy.  Fortunately Nicole has the knowledge of where to go for that strength and power we claim from God.


What are some interesting facts about Nepal's topography?



The variety in elevation, the world's highest mountains and the earthquake-prone zone are interesting facts about Nepal's topography.The landlocked country has great plains and high mountains as well as valleys. On the border with Tibet, Nepal has eight of the world's highest mountains. It is one of the areas in the world that is most vulnerable to earthquakes.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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