Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19, 2016 Friday #HolyYoga#newlife#RIPJim#Who?#Mom#Nepalhealth

Get Fit
I made it to the Holy Yoga class this morning.  It was wonderful!  It was the first time I had done yoga in a class setting, I always do it at home with a video - alone.  It was  great not to have to worry about the cat jumping me.  I think I will make it a regular thing.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:18 -" He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything."  This study writer mentions "the new birth which is death", I haven't heard that before that I remember.  But it is true.  Our death is a new birth into new life with Christ.  He has bought our place in heaven with his holy blood,

On this day
2015 - I have been over celebrating my birthdays for years.  Last year was no exception, but I got some very sad news last year on this day.  A guy, that I went to grade school with and had reunited with him and his wife recently, died on a cruise he and Cheryl were on.  I was very sad to get this news.  Rip Jim.

1864 - The Knights of Pythias was founded in Washington, DC. A dozen members formed what became Lodge No. 1. What is this and why is it important?

Whats in a name?  Mom is the best name, I think, but I'm guessing some children have grown up in situations where Mom is not a good name.  Imagine a child born, a perfect beautiful baby that us Mom's who love kids would swoon and coo over.  We would take every opportunity to spoil and care for that child in every way.  Now think of a Mom that is overcome with troubles, her own bad upbringing, drugs, poverty, bad health and mental problems and that child is a burden to her.  There are a lot of babies born into that situation, no fault of their own that need to grow up any way they can under the circumstances.  Adoption and Foster care have a lot of those babies looking for a "good" mom.  LSSM - check it out.


Nepal Family Health Program II

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. successfully implemented the Nepal Family Health Program II for the U.S. Agency for International Development from 2007 to 2012. For further information on project activites, visit the NFHP II page on

The public sector health care system in Nepal has the potential to provide quality primary health care throughout the nation. There are a number of obstacles, however: difficult terrain in the middle hills and mountain regions, inadequately trained and supervised staff, and a lack of consistent supplies of essential drugs, resources and equipment.
JSI has worked in Nepal since 1981 to assist the government in developing a functional health care system that integrates health services to meet people's needs. Under the USAID-funded Nepal Family Health Program II (NFHP II), JSI followed up its successful predecessor, the Nepal Family Health Program, to improve the delivery and use of basic public sector family planning, maternal, newborn, child health, and literacy/life skills services, in a manner that builds local capacity and encourages stakeholder collaboration. Working with government and NGO partners at national and district levels, NFHP II worked to improve policy and strengthen leadership and management capacity; improve service delivery; spearhead innovative approaches in community-based maternal and neonatal care, including nutrition; and increase community participation in health decisions and activities. Learn more…
Thanka image

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bob!  

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