Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016 Thursday #walk#together#friends#mission#visitNepal

Get Fit
Walking is still the best thing you can do from everything I hear.  I was reading a Tom Hughes's blog about how you get your exercise walking around looking for all the things you have misplaced or forgetting why you went there.  Then of course when you start dropping things, you get those knee bends, squats and back bends in.  God provides.

Get Faith
Colossians 1:17  "He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together."  I pray for a day when all people of all races, nationalities and faiths can live together in peace.  We somehow can only see the differences that set us apart and not the oneness we have with creation as God's children.  Too bad we can't get that love for one another thing right as he taught us.

On this day
2010  Was a busy day!  Don came over and put a handrail up on a short stairway for Mom and then we went out to Milne's Ford and he bought a brand new pick up truck from them.  Then we drove over to Royal Oak and met Jim and Cheryl and Sandy and Dave at Mr. B's for dinner.  Oh to be young again.  lol

Do you always have a mission?  Maybe it's to find a mate, find a home, raise those kids or have a successful career.  I almost always have had to have an additional "mission" going on.  I am in search for what I know is coming.  I feel unproductive in the "mission" category.  My past missions have been - writing to guys in Vietnam, serving at a group home for impaired, acting as a volunteer probation officer for the city,  writing a newsletter for an offshore racing club, then - Softball coach, Sunday School, youth group, Mom and Dad's club - elder care, etc.  I have a couple ideas, any suggestions?


Pashupati Nath Temple
Krishna Mandir

Places of Interest of Nepal

    The Kathmandu Valley has a traditional as well as modern setting. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the
    Valley consists of three cities of historic, cultural and political importance - Kantipur, Lalitpur (Patan) and Bhaktapur
     (Bhadgaon). Covering an area of 218 sq. kms, the Kathmandu Valley is situated at 1136m above sea level. A
     bird's eye view of the Capital features the city as an oval shape with the sacred river Bagmati and its tributary 
    Bishnumati wedding towards the south. Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is named after Kasthamandap, an 
    imposing pagoda near Hanuman Dhoka Palace. It is believed that King Gunakama Dev built the city in 723 A.D. 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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