Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 28, 2016 Sunday #spirit#spreadthespirit#God'splan#dal-bhat-tarkari

Get Faith
Colossians 2:4-5  "I am saying this so that no one may deceive you with plausible arguments.  For though I am absent in body, yet I am with you in spirit, and I rejoice to see your morale and the firmness of your faith in Christ."  This is about staying encouraged in your faith when you are outside of the church, or you are missing that person that has taught you faith.  Christ is with you in spirit.

On this day
1995 - It was the night before Ash Wednesday and I had suggested a play for the evening program.  There were four men to be disciples telling a story to start off the season of lent.  The men were a teenager, two middle age men and an elderly guy.  They came over to my house on this night to rehearse their parts.  It was well received and we did a few more plays after that.  It is what happens when a mixed generational group of people have the same interest in spreading the same message.

1995 - The Denver International Airport opened after a 16-month delay. Were there people standing in line all this time?  omigosh!

A friend of mine is a lay minister, which in this day is imperative to keeping some churches going.  With a shortage of pastors, someone has to fill in and my friend was one of them.  She had been serving at a small church that was failing and today was her last day.  This was a decision made by herself and the bishop.  Just as anything else like businesses etc. that go by the wayside, some churches big and small are doing the same.  Waynette and I went to support her on this her last day with them which resulted in a lot of tears and sad goodbyes.  God has another plan for her, I am sure.

Nepalese cuisine refers to the food eaten in Nepal. Nepal's cultural and geographic diversity has resulted in a variety of cuisines based upon ethnicityand on soil and climate.
dal-bhat-tarkari (Nepaliदाल भात तरकारी) is eaten throughout Nepal. Dal is a soup made of lentils and spices. This is served over boiled grain, bhat—usually rice but sometimes another grain—with vegetable curry, tarkari. Condiments are usually small amounts of extremely spicy chutney (चटनी) orpickle (achaar, अचार) which can be fresh or fermented. The variety of these is staggering, said to number in the thousands.[1] Other accompaniments may be sliced lemon (nibuwa) or lime (kagati) with fresh green chili (hariyo khursani). Dhindo is a traditional food of Nepal.
Much of the cuisine is variation on Asian themes. Other foods have hybrid Tibetan, Indian and Thai origins. Momo—Tibetan style dumplings with Nepali spices—are one of the most popular foods in Nepal. They were originally filled with buffalo meat but now also with goat or chicken, as well as vegetarian preparations. Special foods such as sel roti and patre are eaten during festivals such as Tihar. New food varieties have been introduced such as taas,[2] similar to shish kebab.
Contact with Europeans has introduced loaf breadcheesepastries and ice cream, as well as restaurants serving dishes like pizza, catering originally to tourists but increasingly to local people too.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Katelynn!

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