Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 2, 2016 Tuesday #prayeranswered#prayeranswered#nocornerlotforme#Happygroundhogday!

Get Fit
Weight Watchers has been a success story for many people.  While you are counting calories, eating healthy you can also get their weight loss workouts on video.  I did one this morning, it is circuit training with a nice warm up then 2 minutes of aerobics and 1 minute of weight lifting.  If you are serious about weight loss you might want to try Weight Watchers.

Get Faith
Luke 2:22-40  Simeon waited his entire life for the Messiah.  On the day that Jesus, as a baby was brought to the temple Simeon rejoiced when he saw the child. He thanked God and said he could now die as his life was fulfilled.  Anna, a prophet, a widow who had spent her entire life in the temple, everyday also recognized Jesus as the Messiah on that day.  Yet, some of us can spend a lifetime and never receive the knowledge of the gift God has sent.  Don't be one of them - find out what you are missing.

On this day
2011 - We got 6" of snow that year and everything shut down.  We have since had larger snow falls but after a while you have to resume your day to day business.  In 2011, my snowblower wouldn't start so I was back to the trusty shovel.  Then, out of no where came a guy on a four wheeler with a plow and helped me out.  Angels among us.  I'm sure that in those areas that have been hard hit this year there are a million stories of people stepping up to help others.  If you can - be that person.

1863 - Samuel Langhorne Clemens used a pseudonym for the first time. He is better remembered by the pseudonym which is Mark Twain. Remember this for Jeopardy.

A corner lot is nice if you have snow and lawn service.  My last house, 39 years ago was a corner lot and way too much to shovel, which is what I had to do.  If the city did, they billed you.  I suppose I did not warn Aaron, my step son about that.  I was thinking of him and his corner lot, he has a lot to blow with his blower, which is still a lot of work.  Better to be in curled up with a Mark Twain book.

Mostly inside of India with its northern border on China.  Amazing it hasn't been absorbed by one or the other.

Enjoy the day! Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill!  Happy Groundhog day!

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