Friday, February 5, 2016

February 5, 2016 Friday #Holyyoga#ItalianhelpforPeter#Vietnamletters#support#animism?

Get Fit
Planned on some Holy Yoga this morning at church but my house - gas line, furnace etc had other plans so I'm waiting for help today.  And shivering.

Get Faith
Act 1:1-8  I love to read stories that I don't remember in the Bible.  This is one of  them.  An angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to go and get Peter, who was in Joppa.  Cornelius was a devout and God fearing man, so when the angel told him to do this - he sent his people to go and get Peter. I hope that I would do the same if the opportunity presented itself.  It also mentioned that Cornelius was Italian, which I hadn't heard named before.  The story goes on regarding Peter's mission.  Angels among us.

On this day
1968 - This is a real flashback.  My brother Andy was in Vietnam and I wrote to him most days.  He was always on our minds and the war was on TV everyday.  My journal says I wrote him a letter on this day.  His angel watched over him.

1861 - Samuel Goodale patented the moving picture peep show machine. And so it began.

Mom and I both wrote to Andy a lot while he was in Vietnam.  There isn't much of anything more comforting than to hear from family when you are far away, or having problems of one kind or another.  I didn't particularly go to Mom when I had problems, but I sure would have liked to complain to her today about mine.  She was always sympathetic.  I did still have an angel watching over me today - maybe it was Mom.

Hinduism is practiced by about 81.3% of Nepalis, the highest percentage of any country. Buddhism is linked historically with Nepal and is practiced by 9% of its people, followed by Islam at 4.4%, Kiratism 3.1%, Christianity 1.4%,[2] and animism 0.4%.[12] A large portion of the population, especially in the hill region, may identify themselves as both Hindu and Buddhist, which can be attributed to the syncretic nature of both faiths in Nepal.[13] animism?  wonder what that is.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday to Michelle and Dave!  

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