Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 6, 2016 Saturday #workanddance#poorMoses#oldfriends#think#Don'tbeMoses#nomorekings!

Get Fit
I have a new furnace coming in so, today I will be cleaning out the utility room and scrubbing the walls and floors that I haven't seen in years.  Because I have no gas I put dinner on in the slow cooker because a few of us are going to a church in Detroit that is having a dance to raise money for a new roof.  Hope we can get that done, and BTW great exercise in dancing!

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 9:15-24  If you haven't read the book you might have seen the movie.  Moses went up on the mountain to spend time with God, to pray and beseech for the people of Israel and their future.  While he was up there (getting the 10 commandments) the people went crazy, partied, and created a golden calf so they could SEE a god that they created.   You know how that went for them. If not read the book or rent the movie.

On this day
1976 - 40 years ago on this day I went over to my friend Waynettes house and hung out with her.  We probably had dinner and watched TV and chatted.  Maybe we were into the new series "Rich Man, Poor Man"  that was running.  Funny, she is coming over for dinner tonight and going to the dance with us.  Good friends.

1999 - Excerpts of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky's videotaped testimony were shown at President Clinton's impeachment trial. Do we really want to see this man back in the white house?

Referring back to the Bible study today is the question, how do you act when left alone?  I can say that I did not do well when left home alone as a teenager.  My older brother was a saint and never did anything bad, but my younger brother had the same issues I had.  My daughter made much better choices than I did and I am extremely grateful for that.  Then the issue is what happened when confronted with the bad behavior choice?  If you are a parent of a teenager you could be having the same problem that God and Moses had with the Israelites.  History repeats itself.  Don't be Moses and smash the commandments and then have to go back up on the mountain for 40 days and wait for a new set from God and hope they aren't making the same bad choices while you are gone.

monarchy throughout most of its history, Nepal was ruled by the Shah dynasty of kings from 1768—when Prithvi Narayan Shah unified its many small kingdoms[1]—until 2008. A decade-long Civil War involving the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), followed by weeks of mass protests by all major political parties, led to the 12-point agreement[14] of 22 November 2005. The ensuing elections for the 1st Nepali Constituent Assembly on 28 May 2008 overwhelmingly favored the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a federal multipartyrepresentative democratic republic. Despite continuing political challenges, this framework remained in place, with the 2nd Nepali Constituent Assembly elected in 2013 in an effort to create a new constitution.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to an old friend Xana Ivanov (rip)

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