Saturday, February 27, 2016

February 27, 2016 Saturday #weightball#mystery#counseling#goodkids#nurture!

Get Fit
How about a weight workout today?
31 Amazing Medicine Ball Workouts You Need to Try #workout #fitness

Get Faith
Colossians 2:2-3  "I want their hearts to be encouraged and united in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God's mystery, that is Christ himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."  I love my faith and the strength it gives me and I am willing to share it with you.  Read the above again.  C'mon people this is not a well guarded secret - we all want you to have it - most of all God who has created it for you.

On this day
1990  I was working at church as outreach director, Sunday School Superintendent , etc.  Nicole was going to the co-op preschool there at church and all was well except my marriage.  I struggled to keep ends together.  Sometimes it became too much and I sat with Pastor Reckling and aired my trouble.  He was of course, biased but gave me sound advice in trying to keep my marriage together.  The clergy are sworn to secrecy as you probably know from TV.  lol.

1990 - The Exxon Corporation and Exxon Shipping were indicted on five criminal counts in reference to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.  No mystery here someone will have to answer to the creator for what they did here.

Truth and responsibility for your actions are so important to teach children.  I stayed in my marriage for 10 years because I was fearful of losing my stepson Aaron.  I wanted Nicole to have her brother as long as she could, and I of course loved Aaron as my own.  Aaron's mom and I were bound by our love for the kids and a mother bear mindset on them not acquiring their dad's bad habits.   Our kids are wonderful, both are truthful and responsible for their actions - the power and prayer of Moms.


The meaning of family varies from place to place and from culture to culture. One all-encompassing definition that describes every type of family across the board does not exist. For instance, in places like China children can be raised apart from their father and mother in a group of women, but still count themselves a family. Alan C. Acock in his book Family Diversity and Well Being states that a married couple with no children is not considered a family (122), but some married couples may contest this theory. In fact, there are more variations on modern family structure than ever before, including non-traditional families where grandparents raise their grandchildren, adoptive families, foster families, and blended families with children from two or more sets of parents (“Power Tools”). Despite the challenges faced by many families today, I believe that the children of the current generation—known as Generation Y—can thrive as long as they receive nurture and enrichment from their family members. As a member of Generation Y myself, I speak from first-hand experience. In the following paragraphs, I will give an account of my own upbringing in Nepal that led to my current status as a college student in the USA. I will also briefly describe family structures in America, and compare them to Nepali family structure. In the end, I propose that nurture is the key to producing well-adjusted children today, regardless of family type or where the children are raised.  Wow!  Great find for today's subject!  Read it all by going to Nepal Family.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary!

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