Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016 Wednesday #move#fear#fearofice#WeeklyHearld#ORElSE!#Buddhainn

Get Fit
Did some aerobics, then ran to the mechanic to get Nicole's oil changed - on her car, that is.  I will run to the Secretary of State in a while and then run off to a LSSM movie on the Refugees story through the eyes of the children tonight.  In the mean time I will take down the winter decor and dress up the house for Valentines this month.  The wise thing would be to take a walk this morning in the beautiful warm (50's) temp and sunshine.  What's on your agenda?

Get Faith
Jeremiah 1:11-19  This tells of God telling Jeremiah that he will bring punishment on his people for falling away from Him, because of their wickedness.  He also tells Jeremiah that he will rescue him.  Fear is a powerful weapon.  God used it to try and keep his people safe.

On this day
2014 - It was a very icy cold day.  That winter was horrible with snow in 4 foot drifts by the driveway.  But Mom had a doctor appt and so we went to see the doctor.  Later that day I went across the street and helped Al (88) come across the street for dinner and then stopped to see Ty and Shannon next door.  Then we got the wonderful news that Aaron and Lisa had a baby girl - Martina.  All on an icy cold day.  Don't let your fears stop your life.

 1862 - Thomas Edison printed the "Weekly Herald" and distributed it to train passengers traveling between Port Huron and Detroit, MI. It was the first time a newspaper had been printed on a train.  I wonder what the weather was like that year.

How many of us used fear to encourage or correct our children's behavior?  My typical threat was no playing outdoors, no friends over, no TV and Mark's was "I will throw out any toys that aren't put away".  I always (most often) stood by what I promised, how could the threat be credible in the future if it didn't hold water the first time.  I was lucky, it worked.  We also use fear in telling our kids what could happen to them if they didn't listen - "don't touch that it is hot" or "stay by me you could get lost".  Fear is a useful weapon, as you see above God used it too.  Fear can be a positive re enforcement to teaching a child the right choices to make.  What do you think?


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